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Friday 26th September 2008

There's been a definite increase in offers of work since Edinburgh, which I guess is due to a combination of factors, though it does suggest that a good year at the Fringe, however much it costs you in sweat, money and cracked ribs, can end up paying off in the long term. Perhaps my guide to writing comedy has helped too, as in the last two days I have been asked to write links for a TV show and to script edit a sitcom. So if the guide has helped me get those two jobs then imagine how much extra work Catherine Tate has been getting. I really must write to thank her for allowing me to contribute to her booklet.
Or maybe just the misery engendered by the credit crunch has meant that people need more laughs and all comedians are inundated with work. That would be rather glorious if the loss of work for all those greedy capitalists was counter-balanced with employment for all the emotionally retarded, puerile idiots in the world. Perhaps comedians should be praying for economic downturn and whilst everyone else is living in poverty and despair, we'll all be galavanting round town like Russian oligarchs, buying up famous works of art, which we put up on the walls of our mansions and then draw cocks going into the mouth of (say) the Mona Lisa. I really think that would be a great thing. And not just because I am a comedian. But mainly because of that.
Even though I have a lot to be getting on with anyway (which to be honest, as usual I am failing to make a start on), I can't resist taking all these jobs, because I have had years of famine and years of scraping by and I am aware I have to store up as many acorns as I can for the oncoming winter. Some people might think it is a better idea to spend my money on food that is actually edible for a human being. But I prefer to put all my money in acorns. I always have and I always will.
Anyway, it seems that slowly things are moving in a better direction - though it would be more satisfying if one of my more major projects could get off the ground. But for that to happen, of course, it does mean me getting off the internet and stopping watching "Goodnight Sweetheart" and "Diagnosis Murder" and actually doing some proper work. Why bother with that? It's much easier just talking shit on panel shows and reading other people's scripts and telling them what it wrong with them. And then drawing a fanny on the Haywain.
My life rocks!

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