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Friday 19th April 2019
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Friday 19th April 2019


19000 days on the planet Earth. Here’s to the next 19000. Can’t wait to get to 50,000.
The Easter egg hunt tested my anti-chocolate resolve on the 109th day without chocolate. But I was equal to it. Even though there were loads of tiny eggs lying around on every surface and surely one couldn’t hurt. I mean, I deserved one, didn’t I, after showing such restraint? Just one Rich. You can have the first one for free.
NO. NO evil chocolate manufacturers. I know what you are trying to do. You used to make tens of pounds a month off me and I know this loss must be hitting your business hard. But I will now only enjoy chocolate vicariously by forcing my kids to eat as much as humanly possible. 
If I can get through this weekend then I can get through anything.

But a lovely Good Friday day for us, certainly compared to the one Jesus had about 1986 years ago. After Easter egg hunts and spaghetti bolognese, we took the dog up to the Bluebell Woods, where the bluebells weren’t quite yet the forest carpet that they will be in a week or so, but where there was still a decent smattering of aquamarine sparking in the dappled sunlight.
“This is why you moved to the countryside,” said our friend Kim, as the kids played king of the castle and collected sticks and stones to take home, and made wands out of twigs and pine cones and attempted to eat poisonous mushrooms. And I think it’s fair to say that we’re hitting the golden years, where the kids are cute without being too much trouble   (and if they get to be too much trouble we can just pretend we didn’t see them eating the mushrooms). Even with illness hanging over the household over the last two or three weeks it’s still been enormous fun. And we’re in a much less stressful place than we were a year ago when the bluebells last bloomed. And I am a good 20-plus pounds lighter.
Though by the looks of it the bluebell woods is the highlight of the experience and it only lasts about a fortnight. So that still 50 unidyllic weeks to get through. But it’s better than the 52 that you have to go through.

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