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Sunday 5th January 2020


I had a dream about making a sketch show for TV (that should have been the giveaway that it wasn’t real). We had filmed a sketch and I’d made some changes on the hoof. I worried about what the co-writer would think about that, so started to write an email to them about it. Not that it would have made any difference: the sketch was already filmed.
My son woke me up, but settled himself.
Although I knew now that everything had just been an amazingly unrealistic dream, I did my best to fall asleep and get back into the dream so I could press send on the unsent email. 
I failed of course. But it’s a bit of a personal tragedy that my commitment to admin and fair play goes that far. Especially given that there was nothing the imagined co-writer could have done to change the thing that never happened anyway, because we’d already completed it.
If I was going to be able to control what I dreamed about I’d like to think I’d set my ambitions higher than that and at least have a couple of sex robots in there.
But why dream about sex robots when you can dream about having sex with anyone?
Because I am married and that would be cheating. Even dream me has high moral standards, but agrees that sex with a robot is not cheating. Because it isn’t. Not like sex in a dream.

We had a successful day of parenting and getting stuff done. We went to see Frozen 2, which kept both kids rapt, even though they’d both already seen it. My son is a big fan of Elsa and only fidgeted when she wasn’t on screen. My daughter was dressed as Elsa so she seems to have won over the family. I thought it was a good film even if it tangentially seemed to be supportive of homeopathy (believing water has a memory). Still probably not worth taking too much of it literally, given it’s about a woman who can freeze things with her hand and has a living snowman and so on.
We got some chores done, including taking down the Christmas tree and cleaning out the fridge. At the end of the day we expressed delight at what we’d achieved in the day and then wondered what had become of us, that tidying up a fridge felt like an achievement. We used to be cool.
Actually neither of us did, but we were both cooler than that once.
But it was a proper win for us and I am not ashamed to admit it. This is who I am now. 
If we can do that then 2020 is full of possibilities for us.
But also steps forward are being made - we’re still tired, but less so than a year ago, our son has the concentration levels to now sit still through a film, even if we still have to chase him round the house lest he kills himself as he experiments with everything he finds.
We’ve only had that one night of reading so far and I still fall asleep very quickly and comparatively early (got to 10pm today though). But we’re emerging from the dark misty forest of parenting kids who are under 2 and blinking at the light and the possibilities.

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