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Sunday 27th August 2006

I am done. It's over. Thank God.
I could barely speak when I woke up this morning (did I say morning - I meant this afternoon of course). My throat was hoarse and sore and I worried about whether I'd be in shape to do the show tonight.
I managed to rest up and drink enough liquids to achieve some kind of normality, but my voice cracked throughout the final show. I had nearly sold out and aside from a couple of drunk lads to my left who insisted on talking throughout it was a nice show to end on. But I was in a bit of pain and at one point my ears blocked up and I was temporarily deaf. Luckily for Steve Day the deafness passed and the show finished and my Edinburgh was done.
I had a great night with my lovely flatmates. Firstly we went to Brookes Bar and played pool. Justin and me played Lucy and Sarah to finally decide who was best, men or women. The men were victorious, so now that debate is settled once and for all. Then Justin and Sarah played me and Lucy to determine who was best, tall people or short people. The short people won, so there's another age old argument settled. I wanted Sarah to play against the rest of us to find out who was best ginger or normal people. But instead me and Sarah played Justin and Lucy which I suppose would determine whether the average sized people were better than the people of extreme heights. We won, I think proving that probably in my flat I am the best at playing pool (though Justin later beat me in a epic battle that lasted half an hour due to our extreme drunkeness at the time).
Afterwards we headed back home to drink the bottle of champagne that I had been given at the start of my run and to sing along to Justin on the guitar. Despite my raddled throat I joined in with gusto. It was the most terrific fun. Our friend Shelley who as been staying for a few days, then judged the flat mates in a dance competition. Justin and Lucy were partners and Sarah and me teamed up. Our opponents had the distinct advantage that giant Justin could pick up and twirl tiny Lucy around the kitchen, but when Sarah tried to run and jump into my arms we would collapse and fall against tables and doors. This didn't stop Sarah trying the manouevre over and over again. I was fairly convinced that one of us would be badly hurt by these crazy shennighans, but luckily only a few little scratches and bruises resulted. I spent an hour laughing as much as I have laughed at anything in recent memory (it was even funnier than Tim Vine's poster). Our serious attempts to win this pointless contest were funnier than anything in the four shows that we have slogged out guts out creating.
But I think having such cool and stupid and funny and friendly flat mates is one of the things that has made this Fringe so special for me. I am pretty sure me and Sarah won the dance off. But Shelley said it was a draw.

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