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Friday 6th October 2006

The countdown to Africa continues and another big tick on the to do list as I completed the synopsis of what might happen in the next 7 episodes of "Double Act". Though such an exercise is necessary to show the powers that be that the project "has legs", I always find it pointless. I hate to plan in advance when writing a script. I like to surprise myself and so very rarely know what is going to happen at the end of an episode, let alone the end of a series when I start writing.
If you start things right and with enough momentum then realistic, yet unpredictable consequences will follow. This is how life works and I think good drama. Not to say you can't change your mind. The conclusion to draft 2 of the first script is entirely different to draft 1. And it needs at least one more draft to iron out the untrue bits.
But the point stands that the stuff I made up for say episode 7 today is very unlikely to be what happens in episode 7, if episode 7 ever actually sees the light of day. But hopefully the awful nonsense I made up this morning will be enough to persuade the Channel 4 bigwigs that this project is a centipede rather than a worm. At the very least it needs to be a spider. Otherwise it will forever remain a Heather Mills McCartney.
My dizziness and nausea is less acute, but still troubling me and there was no time to relax because as soon as my synopsis had been electronically transmitted to my manager, I myself had to be projected by slightly less futuristic methods to Brighton to see the new cast in "Grumpy Old Women".
It was a tiring journey as the Friday evening traffic made progress sluggish. But I was a little revived by the high peals of laughter of 1000 Brighton women- I still can't get over the delight that this unusual sound gives me. It was only the third or fourth show for the new line up, but they seem to be settling in well. I was surprised to find out afterwards that Annette Badland remembers me from the day of filming she did for "Fist Of Fun" ten years ago. She was in the sketch where I ordered pizza. Remember? No. Well it was a long time ago.
I was too exhausted to go out for a drink after the show and hoped that an early night might shake off my lurgy. But I am beginning to suspect that I might be heading to another continent only to sleep for a fortnight. Ah well, Africa is the cradle of humanity, so maybe sleep is appropriate.

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