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Friday 29th December 2006

I have lived in Shepherd's Bush now for almost four years. The time has just flown by. As you may know one of my favourite restaurants is Pizza Express. I am nationally known after all as a Pizza Lover and Pizza Express is the best pizza restaurant. It is the Nando's of Pizza and makes Pizza Hut look like Chicken Cottage. If you want to impress a girl (or boy) on a first date then take her to Pizza Express. If you want to dump a girl or a by then take them to Pizza Hut (or Garfunkels). Though I was thinking today that if you really want to find out whether a prospective partner is the one for you, then tell them you are taking them out to dinner and insist it's going to be a surprise and then take them to Texas Fried Chicken on the Goldhawk Road. Let them have anything they want. There are only two tables there, with plastic chairs attached, so you'd probably have to share with one of the sad middle aged men who eat their dinner in there every night, sad and alone. But if the date is the person for you, then they will like you wherever you take them and if they have a good sense of humour they will enjoy the horrendous experience. And if it doesn't work out then you can at least make friends with one of the strange men. He might give you one of his spicy wings.
Anyway, there is no need for me to go to Texas Fried Chicken because Shepherd's Bush has its very own Pizza Express. It's a bit hidden away behind the shopping centre, but it's there and very convenient for the Central Line. But get this, Warming Up reader. You know how much I like Pizza and how I especially like Pizza Express. Well, wait for it, I have NEVER been to the Shepherd's Bush Pizza Express in my life. I know. And it's the second closest I have ever lived to a Pizza Express (I used to live about five doors away from one in Abbeville Road in Clapham and went to it often) and yet still I have never been there.
Until tonight.
Yes, you heard me right. That is where I had what is likely to be my last pizza of 2006.
I had a Veneziana if you're interested. I made a point of saying that I would like my discretionary 25p to go to The Venice in Peril Fund. But the waiter just looked at me as if I was mad. I thought I was being charitable and you know I have grown up since the old days when I liked to make a fuss by saying I didn't.
So I had my pizza and went home, looking at the men eating their dinners alone in various fried chicken restaurants, feeling quite the cock of the walk (no pun intended).
And let anyone who says that Warming Up has lost its way and should be stopped asap be made to read this entry and then let's see what they have to say for themselves.

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