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Bruce Dessau reviews WILA | Press |

Bruce Dessau reviews WILA

Another comedian who is partial to a highish concept is Richard Herring. His latest show, What Is Love Anyway? explores the nature of love and was prompted by a remark suggesting that a belief in love is just as irrational as a belief in God. Like Alex Horne but without the gimmicks or burgers, Herring also squeezes a lot into his hour. So much so that he sometimes gets breathless and can make it hard for the audience to keep up. But it is worth the effort. There are some inspired callbacks here and proceedings build to a climax that is comic, moving and, for me, surprising (being a fan of his daily blog I could see some gags coming, but not all of them). If this isn't Herring's best show yet that's only because his show a couple of years ago was magnificent and set a very high benchmark. But as that one isn't on go and see What Is Love Anyway? Don't be put off by the rather naff heart surgery poster – I presume it's ironic but I'm not absolutely sure..