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Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Getting a few RHLSTP Book Clubs in the can before the tour starts up again and this morning I was talking to Rory Carroll about my favourite book of 2023 (soon out in paperback) Killing Thatcher, which I can not recommend enough. It's a rare and accidental privilege where I have got myself into the position where I can chat to authors of my favourite books about their process, the difficulties of creating a book and what drove them. This book is not only a fantastic history of the Troubles in Ireland, but beautifully balanced, telling the story of the Brighton bombing through the eyes of some of the key figures and whilst it is not condoning violence (and is very sensitive towards the victims) it does a lot to explain motivations of people on both sides - it even shows the human side of Mrs Thatcher!- but it reads like a thriller, both in terms of the plotting and successes and failures of the terrorists and of the detectives who pursued them and caught some of them and those whose job it was to defuse IRA bombs (or die trying). Great to be able to discuss with him how he achieved this remarkable feat of journalism and writing. The podcast will be out in March.
I had made the mistake of booking that in for 10am on the day after a full RHLSTP record though, so was pretty knackered, as was Chris Evans (not that one) who had been at the show last night and then commuted back to South Wales. But I was awake enough in time.
I then had to do some prep and reading for the two book club interviews that I am doing tomorrow. It feels like I should have enough podcasts to last for months (given we're doing a few live book clubs on the tour as well) but even once we've done the four remote ones I have planned for this week and the three that I will be doing on tour and the ones that I have already done, this only takes us up to the end of March. But that does mean I am not quite at the pace of reading a book a week, at least in the short term. And as I say, it's terrific fun for me (at least) and that's surely all that matters. I am particularly looking forward to talking to Mary Beard in Colchester. Come and see it live if you can. Her book and Radio 4 show are both predictably excellent.

Prompted by Zoe and trying to lose my bit of Christmas weight (I actually put on more on Friday and Saturday than I did over Christmas and our cheese filled holiday) I am attempting to eat all my meals within a 10 hour window. This effectively means delaying my breakfast for as long as possible (I get up at 6.30, but today didn't eat until just after 9) and then not having any snacks in the evening. I think that last bit alone would be enough to be effective. Even with healthy or Zoe approved snacking I probably consume over 300 calories (sometimes a lot over) most evenings. A non-alcoholic beer, some peanuts, some olives and, if I am having a bad day, some chocolate or toast. It's been OK so far, though I did go to bed feeling hungry tonight and I woke up in the middle of the night last night feeling mildly panicked (like a much lighter version of what had started happening when I drank), but that might not have been connected. I am not sure that this 10 hour thing will fit with my lifestyle, but those early morning panics are usually associated with digestion as far as I can see, so once I've got used to the new regime it may work.
Obviously there will be times that it doesn't work out, but that's true of this particular programme in general. It's about making better choices, which doesn't mean you have to do it all the time. I certainly enjoyed not doing it over Christmas, but also feel much better in myself when I am sticking to it pretty well. I had a Solero and some 90% chocolate today and still only just dipped under the 75% target. It's harder waiting for breakfast than it is cutting out evening snacks anyway.
Looking back at the RHLSTPs that are being released now (recorded back in October) I do look startlingly different, though mainly because of my crazily long hair. But the tummy is definitely smaller too, so hopefully I can keep this up.

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