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Thursday 20th July 2023

The Book Club continues to be a delight (for me at least) as this morning I met up (remotely) with Lucy Worsley to discuss her book about Agatha Christie. She was, as expected, charming and erudite and patient when the tech at our end spectacularly failed meaning we had to start again. Luckily it was right near the start of the chat, but I spent the whole second attempt worrying that my computer would essentially switch itself off again and we'd lose a fabulous chat!
But luckily we got it all. You'll be able to hear this chat at the start of September. I am recording another book club tomorrow and the four RHLSTPs over the weekend (at the Bill Murray - still tickets for all four) and with that I will have enough RHLSTPs and Book Clubs to take us to the end of September (and that's with putting out 3 or more RHLSTPs throughout the Edinburgh Fringe). Once the tour kicks in, our podcast silo will have enough grain in it to maybe get us to 2025. By which time, SURELY, podcasts will be DONE as a medium.
It did feel a bit like I'd done my work for the day by 11am and maybe I had. Maybe I shouldn't be pushing myself too hard in a week where I am recording 9 podcasts and doing a stand up gig. So I didn't feel too bad about watching the cricket for a bit and generally taking it easy. And at least I thought about going for a run, before not doing it.
I watched a bit of Gogglebox with my daughter, which is probably not a suitable programme for her. There was a bit where an expert was showing men how to measure their penises so they could work out which size condoms to buy (Do condoms come in sizes now? I don't remember that from my days of using condoms, but I do remember how whichever ones I had they were too small to fit over my massive penis so I had to use a bin liner with sellotape round the bottom). Luckily it was oblique enough for Phoebe to not really understand what was going on - she found it funny because she thought that this was a convoluted way to measure someone's height.
Am I a bad father for letting her watch this or a bad father for not explaining what it was actually about to reduce any stigma about sex and the human body? Probably both.

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