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Friday 1st March 2019


2 months into diet. 7.9kg (17.5lb) down. Still a long way to go. As always the secret behind losing lots of weight is to get as fat as possible first. Encouraging to be losing a kilo a week though. It's been bobbling up and down a bit, but the trajectory is definitely downwards.

Looked at the drain again and thought I’d better clean that. Still haven’t.

Am really loving my morning dog walks, breathing in fresh air, enjoying the countryside, listening to audio books. I noticed a point today where you can see the manor house and the old church in the distance and no other buildings, making this essentially the same view that you’d have had from here for at least a couple of centuries. 
I saw a squirrel leap from one flimsy bendy twig on one tree across to a similarly precarious perch on the next tree. How did it know that leap would be safe? You never see squirrels falling out of trees, but surely occasionally the branches snap or don’t hold their weight and they plummet. Or do they just know which trees will work for them, the squirrel geniuses.
My skittish dog is basically a good girl, but she loves playing chase with other animals. Even if they aren’t really into the game and assume they are prey. Wolfie disappeared into the bushes and moments later a beautiful deer jumped into the path ahead of me and gracefully leapt the fence on the other side to safety. Wolfie followed by couldn’t jump the fence so went back into the wood. And then another deer appeared on the path and less gracefully ran full pelt into the fence and fell over. You don’t see much slapstick in the animal world. It was sort of a mixture of funny and horrifying. Had it hurt itself. Wolfie bundled after the deer who was now on the ground and I thought my docile pet dog might exhibit her ancient wolf instincts, that gave her her name. But she was just as confused and waited as the deer got to its feet and bolted in the other direction and then started chasing again. 
If a deer can miss a leap then a squirrel can fall out of a tree. Can’t wait to see that.
Why watch “It’ll Be All Right on the Night” when you can see this stuff out in nature for free?

I had a really good play time with the kids this evening, where Phoebe wanted to build a car from bits of Ernie’s play-pen, which seemed crazy, but we added a couple of chairs and made it work and then improvised a scene where she was the sat nav and then the radio and then I became a mechanic when a bit of the car fell off and she then became an ambulance driver when I was run over. We had to put on voices for the characters and obviously had to replay the scenarios over and over again, but it was a genuine journey of the imagination in which I more or less believed we were in a car and where my mechanic was from Spain or maybe Russia or France. Occasionally if we forgot to do our voice or who we were being Phoebe should whisper “Dad, you’re the mechanic,” as if trying to keep my mistake from an invisible audience.
Just insane fun though. I have often thought that being 4 was my happiest time. It’s so great to have another go at it.

More RHLSTP gigs being added all the time. Today I noticed that Leeds City Varieties was on sale. It’s on 11th May. I usually sell this venue out pretty quickly and RHLSTP is selling faster than my stand up tours - so don’t hang around 
No guests booked yet.

But my guests in Brighton on 3rd April will be Angela Barnes for the 6.30pm show (still a few tickets left
And Stephen Grant for the 8.30pm show (SOLD OUT)

Are you with one of the big six energy companies? Have they just put their prices up? Bulb are bringing theirs down and so so whenever they get a cheaper supply… Can’t recommend them enough and couldn’t have the big six more (having had lots of dealings with them). So why not switch to Bulb now (they will buy you out of your contract) Use my code if you want us both to get £50 credit

Bulb might not be the best move for you, but check you’re not being ripped off by using this comparison site. I hate the big six! 

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