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Tuesday 11th October 2005

I always thought people who argued that video games can affect you in real life are talking out of their collective anus (these people all share an anus and if possible they wouldn't have one at all, but they need to expel waste products and this is the compromise they have come up with). But today in the brief moments when I wasn't working - still no luck on the BBC script, but had to write my poker stuff for "Heads Up With Richard Herring" (or HUWRH as all the kids are calling it)- I played "Burnout Legends" on the PSP I bought yesterday to cheer myself up (yeah, good idea, another way to distract yourself, you fucking stupid washed up idiot). It's a game where you race cars, but are essentially encouraged to crash into any other vehicle that crosses your path. It is terrific fun and there is something cathartic about trying to cause the biggest pile up in the world for no other reason than because you can.
However, then it was time for me to drive to my gig. As I headed down the dingy streets of West London there was a part of my brain thinking - "Quick, ram the red car up against the crash barrier" or "drive full speed into that approaching bus" and although most of my brain registered that this might be a bit of a stupid idea, there was a significant part of me that had been influenced enough by the mayhem I had created in the false pixilated world to try and cause similar nuisance here in the actual non-Matrix earth.
Reality and fiction had blurred in my slightly befuddled head and the temptation was always there.
Luckily, and ultimately confounding the one anus objectors, I managed to differentiate between the two and was also painfully aware of the death and destruction I would cause (not least to myself), and some kind of moral repugnance stopped me acting on my fantasies. But I am worried about all the people who do not have the mental strength and social conscience that I possess who will not be able to draw the distinction. I predict there will be a massive upsurge in road carnage now this game is out and I urge the manufacturers to withdraw the game immediately. Though not my copy. Cos it's really cool.

By the way I am heading off to the south coast for a few gigs for the next few days - Bournemouth and Brighton. And given my laptops poor wireless record I might not be able to update til Saturday. But do come along to the gigs if you can. The Brighton one is selling well, so book your ticket early if you want to come. Details in gig guide.

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