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Tuesday 11th July 2006

So thanks to those of you who let me know that what I saw was Karma Kar. So perhaps they need to hire some Karma Kabbies too. Now I know that it's a strange coincidence that the day before I had written about a cab driver with an questionable take on the world. Then I see another cab driver looking miserable. I suppose that's some kind of Kabbie Karma. Perhaps the Karma Kabbie had just read Warming Up and was disappointed that one of his number had such an unspiritual view of the world.
After playing to a packed Bush Hall last night, it was back to reality with my preview gig at RADA which two people turned up to (and they were twins, so in a way they are only one person- awaits flurry of emails from infuriated twins). Of course it's easy to fill out the radio gigs because the tickets are free, but as it turns out so were the RADA ones. I can't even sell out a gig when the tickets are free. All the people last night must have been coming to see TV's Emma Kennedy.
But it was a bit of an odd set up at RADA: the mike was in the corner of the cafe in the foyer of the college, where non-comedy patrons were imbibing beverages. More tellingly term was over so there were no students around, which to me might have been a sign not to book a gig in. But hope springs eternal. Although the audience was bolstered by three people from Avalon my evil management company, I decided it would be better to cancel the show. It didn't feel right to do my comedy in such a public space. If you've paid to see me and know roughly what you're getting then that's one thing, but if you're just wander into a cafe for a cup of tea and you have to endure someone talking about Maxine Carr and why he thinks all children should be eradicated, then you have a right to be upset.
I wasn't too bothered. I was a little hungover from the post-show celebrations last night. But sorry to the twins. Well sorry to whichever of you was the good one. I don't mind do much about upsetting the evil one. Hopefully if you are a twin you read this whole entry before writing to me to complain, or now you will have to send me a second email. I have no regrets. Twins are weird. What's that all about?
Rather charmingly one of the twins claimed they had come to the gig after meeting on the internet. But maybe they weren't joking and they just turned out to have the same face. It's possible. Anyway if either of you are reading this and want to come to another preview, do get in touch and I'll sort you out free tickets for another show (you will need to give me some proof of identity to avoid unscrupulous readers pretending to be you - so in your email tell me the colour of your hair and which table you were sitting at and what I gave you as recompense for the disappointment: gotta be worth having a guess if you're not one of the twins)
So the last gig of my 39th year on this planet was cancelled and I ambled home. Hopefully the gig that commemorates that 39th anniversary of my birth will be better attended (and if last week at the Canal Cafe is anything to go by then it should be - so book ahead. Seemingly people would rather pay to see me than come to see me for free, which is a good thing). I'll be in the bar downstairs after if you want to buy me a drink for being so old and we'll have a little party. A birthday party that none of my friends are invited to, with just me and some strangers who have had to pay for an hour of my time. That's the kind of party I like. Jesus, 39. When did that happen?

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