Come on Richy Sunak, surely you can spin this by saying that the guy's racist and so it would be immoral to give him his 10 million back. You don't want to be the guy who gave 10 million pounds to a racist.
Either that or just say - We're a party for racists now. Vote for us if you like that idea.
You've been pussyfooting your way round the second one and it's not working, so just get it out on the open and see if it works.
The Herring Bridge broke down twice today. I would never have put my name to it if i'd know it would turn out like this. Though to be fair it might be the other way round. Anything I get behind or support goes to shit. York City were doing OK before I was born.
I drove another car load of stuff over to the new house. I couldn't see much out the back window, but luckily you only really have to see stuff in front of you if you're driving, right?
I think I was driving at the speed limit - maybe a little bit under - taking a bit of extra care given my vision restrictions. On a straight bit the car behind overtook me. Some people are in a rush to get places, but I was a bit surprised. The advantage he'd get by being ahead of me was slight. Once past though the driver braked suddenly, so I had to brake too. And then he did it again. And again. Clearly I had annoyed him somehow with my driving. I don't think I could have cut him up. There had been one left turn in my journey and it's at a junction that I always take care at as you're coming on to a road where cars are going fast. The only thing I could think was that I had been going too slowly for him. Obviously he might have been showing some impatience behind me, but I hadn't see because of my boxes of files. I just laughed and looked bemused, but he was clearly furious. I pulled a face as if to say,. what's the problem. He had not communicated the issue. I would have been happy to stop and listen to his advice if I had done something wrong. I think trying to enter a suicide pact of mangled cars would be a high price to pay for whatever the transgression was though.
Finally he got tired of making his point that he was cross about something and zoomed off. But the road being what it was I was not very far behind him. He had gained little to no advantage and in fact when we got to the main roundabout, he was taking a different exit to me and I passed him on his right. I thought about rolling down my window and asking what the issue was. But there was a lot of pent up anger there and whatever I had done it was something pretty minor (I assume) so I didn't think it was worth it. Even if I'd been polite and apologetic and just seeking answers. I didn't want to be bludgeoned to death, so just pulled a smug fast as I passed him.
I have been continuing to throw away old receipts and bills, having decided to Sharpie out pertinent info rather than rip it off - it's quicker and though it would be possible to view the blacked out bits if you were determined enough, all the addresses are my old ones and I don't think there's anything anyone could do with the documents. Though if you're interested in finding out what I earned in 2003 then you might want to steal my recycling. I did have a twinge of regret about dumping everything as it was quite interesting to see what jobs I'd done and what they had paid. I was surprised to see I'd got a reasonable payment for a Talking Cock pilot script or maybe development fee. I vaguely remember some interest in doing a TV show, but I didn't even think it had gone to a meeting, and I don't think I even wrote a treatment. And I got a good whack of cash.
I'd rather have done the show, but it was nice to know that I'd been paid and to find out what I'd got for being on Annually Retentive and for appearing at the Norwich Arts Centre (which seemed to be under �10 but that might not have been my full fee). There were some happy and neutral memories from being reminded of all that, but I don't know if I need to spend my dotage flicking through old invoices and thinking about how I might have wasted the money (and of course the receipts showed how I'd wasted some of it). There were a lot of hotel bills for hotels that I would have no chance of remembering, but they told me where I was on a certain day. If anyone wants to do a book about me, like those ones about the Beatles, where they note where I was and what I was doing on every day of this century, then I've just made it slightly harder for them. But for everything since November 2002 I guess I've got quite a good resource.
And yes, it seems unlikely right now that anyone will write that book. But you never know what's coming.
Shredding my past like a falling dictator
Shedding my skin like a peeled green potater
Assuming I will just burn this stuff later
Consuming the life of the younger me. Traitor!