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Tuesday 14th January 2020


The rollercoaster continues. Yesterday for the 100th time in the last 4 months I felt like there was no way I was going to get this script done. Today, a couple of moments of inspiration - and though I am now only 10 pages into what should be a 40 page script, I feel that I should be able to get it together in the next couple of days. Leaving me Friday for final rewrites on all 6, right?
Well we’ll see.
Imagine how it will feel to have got all of these done.
I have to imagine for now as the job drags on seemingly endlessly. And tantalisingly for the first time in these last two months that illness has hung over the family, I developed a little cough tonight. There’s everything to play for.
In bad news the TV that I thought I had fixed from the message coming up telling me that HDMI1 was available every twenty minutes has not quite returned to its old ways, but it has started putting up a message, a little less regularly (and in the corner not the centre of the screen) informing me that HDMI is available, though occasionally tantalisingly that an unknown device has been unplugged (even though nothing has been unplugged). It’s nowhere near as bad as before so I am sure I can leave it for even longer this time, but I don’t understand why my TV wants to tell me this at all. If I am watching one input, why does it keep wanting to tell me about another one? Does it really think that I’d rather watch whatever might be on HDMI1 than Netflix (and I think it only happens when I am watching Netflix). HDMI1 is my satellite dish, but that’s just got boring live TV on it. Who’d rather watch that than Netflix? And why does my TV think I am incapable of making my own decisions about what I am watching? Why? Why is this happening? Who has put this in as a default and why do they hate me so much?
Maybe if I got to HDMI1 one of these times my mystery enemy might tell me. But I am not going to give them the satisfaction.

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