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Friday 15th March 2019

Friday 15th March 2019


A slight increase in weight, a mildly upset stomach (not from food poisoning, just from it being a bit unhealthy) and the meal hadn’t even been that nice. It’s a reminder to ensure that when you splurge, make it a high quality splurge. I went for a run in an attempt to make up for the excess calories, but my stomach rolled and I was in danger of doing a Paula Radcliffe, so I walked home after I’d run the ten minutes to the top of the hill.
The path was sprinkled with frogs. I wasn’t sure if they were dead or alive - they looked as if they were frozen to the spot in fear and there was no outward sign of harm, but when I returned they were all in the same place. It was just a muddy path where vehicles rarely come and with plenty of time to escape ramblers and god walkers. I wondered what had happened. It wasn’t quite Biblical plague quantities, but on a day where it already felt like the world was a cold and cruel and hopeless place, it was a little eerie. One smaller frog seemed to be on the back of a bigger one, as if piggy-backing. They might have died at different times (I don’t know - I can’t work out what killed them), but they seemed like a parent and child struck down by some mysterious anti-frog force. It was senseless and confusing and disturbing. 

My daughter is very taken with Red Nose Day. Her mum explained it was a day where people paid you to be funny, but she insisted that she was funny every day and seemed annoyed that she was giving it away for free. But I told her to give it time. You never know what will happen.
On the walk back from nursery she said that she wanted a Rainbow Red Nose, so when we got home we sat down and both designed a few options for next time. Maybe a design your own red nose might be a way to raise funds. 
My bright funny daughter and my dancing, smiling son. Who’s going to tell them what the world is really like? 

We can but carry on and do our best and hope for the best.
Even though the world seems intent to promote our worst.
I hope our kids do better than we did.

Ftone Clearing Chapter Fixteen went up today. Not recorded from my pocket, but the wind did its best to destroy my fine words. Would that it had. 

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