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Thursday 16th January 2020


Hold off the celebrations and the cycle rides up the gorge to buy Big Feast ice lollies and fail to talk to girls - I didn’t finish today. Or make any real progress. Of course the work is going to expand to fit the exact amount of time I have for it, but also my illness got worse, but my wife’s was even worse and my son started the day by throwing up purple sick all over me (he’d just eaten a blueberry Ellas so that wasn’t as weird as it could be). As the most least ill (apart from Phoebe who seems to have skipped the bugs) I had to do the school runs and take Phoebe to her swimming lesson. Which made me feel much worse.
Might have to Mike Leigh this last script. But I think I can fight through the coughs and fuggy headedness to do it. And then we can save the edits for the days of the record (which is actually probably more sensible). It will be fine. Probably. Though I feel I am in a purgatorial Groundhog Day where the finish line seems to get closer but will never actually arrive.
It usually takes me being comatose with illness to stop me working (especially so close to a deadline), but now I have a family, the jokes take second place. It’s healthier in some ways, even if the kids bring a lot of illness into the house.
If you want to catch up on Relativity before the improvised third series comes out (I think in April) it’s being repeated on Thursdays and the first 5 eps are up here.
Of course as I had so much to do, I spent most of my non-child-care time on Twitter, pretending I was trying to think up a killer joke comining Sandi Toksvig leaving Bake Off and Meghan Markle leaving the Royal Family. Imagine if I'd got Brexit in too. Would have been great.
Got to get my priorities right and my priorities are 1) Twitter 2) My family 3) my imminently due work.

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