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Wednesday 17th April 2019
Wednesday 17th April 2019
Wednesday 17th April 2019

Wednesday 17th April 2019


As you may have picked up, the International Women’s Day Marathon is not always the most pleasant thing for me and comes each year with a bit more flak and a few more veiled threats, but it’s still lots of fun and I know most people enjoy my pain and it now raises money for Refuge, so it’s a price worth paying. But today Refuge sent me a little package of stuff that helped me to understand the massive positives that outweigh my petty little negatives and helped ground this surreal exercise in reality.
There were a couple of cards from children who are in families being supported by the charity, thanking me (and also you if you are one of the kind people who donated) for the help we’ve given. As much as all this is just me being a bit of a prick, it was incredibly touching to understand how this stupidity has impacted on the lives of these girls. And kids with more to worry about than some unpleasant tweets. 
No, you’ve got something in YOUR eye.
You can still donate to Refuge here if you want to help. 

Into London tonight for a recording of Do The Right Thing. I was driving and it was being recorded right by Oxford Circus where environmental protestors were congregating so I was a bit worried I’d be delayed or my car would be set upon and ripped apart as I shouted “But it’s electric!!” Having not driven in central London much before I wasn’t sure how easy parking would be, but it turned out I could park on a single yellow line right outside the pub as it was after 6.30pm, which just seemed insane.
I had to thank the protestors though, as usually there would have been no right turn into the road I needed to go down, but because of them there was. So they made my car journey a lot easier today. I assume they will be happy about that.

The podcast was a whole lot of fun - this is a brilliant team with a neat idea and in my view it’s too good for telly. Or telly would not be able to capture what makes it so great as a podcast. Although there has been one attempt. There’s a great rapport between the regulars, Danielle’s put downs are world class and somehow the format took us down some very unexpected and entertaining rabbit holes. Not sure how much of it can be broadcast. But if you don’t subscribe yet then do so now! 
Danielle wants it to be on the telly, but she’s wrong to want that. The own this in every sense and TV would only try and fuck with the winning team (like they did last time). Nowadays a successful podcast will get more exposure (and eventually more revenue) than a satellite TV show. 
It was an extraordinary amount of fun to be in, so hopefully that will come across, though Deborah Frances-White said a lot of stuff that might not make it to the final cut. I hope it does, because it was hilarious. This is why you must always try to see podcasts live.
I left to drive home and though my car had been metres from the protest it hadn’t been set on fire, nor did I have a parking ticket, so that was a win.

Another guest announced for the RHLSTP tour. On 25th May in Salford I will be joined by Sarah Millican and JIMMY CRICKET - Come on - Book here

RHLSTP with Kerry Howard at the Bath Komedia is now up 
On audio here (and all your other platforms)

The kickstarter is over the half way point. Please donate if you want those videos to continue 

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