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Thursday 19th March 2009

Another early start and another coughing businessman. At least I hope it's a different one, or he's following me around! I probably really need to get a good night's sleep in at some point because the next week is going to be pretty gruelling.
I was up to Liverpool today, but then am heading back down the country to Wolverhampton tomorrow, then up to Glasgow the next day and back down to Manchester after that. Out of all this driving, it's having to return to Wolverhampton tomorrow that gets on my nerves most. If only I could have done Leamington, then Wolverhampton, then Liverpool and then Glasgow. I wouldn't even have minded coming back down to Manchester afterwards. But of course I have to go to venues when they have a night free for me and can't dictate their schedules. But psychologically it's annoying to have to head south when I have so far north to go.
Waking up early meant I could get lots done and I went for a run and then popped to the shops to buy a new iPhone to computer lead. It wasn't as expensive as I'd feared, but it's still annoying as I have so many of these things already!
I also got some writing done, but there's a long way to go with that, but if I can grab a good couple of hours here and there it will certainly be a help. Touring is hard enough without this extra pressure, though it's probably good to have something important to occupy myself. But all these early mornings might do for me!
I had a lovely time at the Unity Theatre tonight. Not only was there bottled water and beer backstage, but they provided me with five packs of M and S sandwiches, which almost looked like a sarcastic parody of me and my whinging blog. Or maybe they just think I am very greedy. But I am not knocking it. It was great to have the choice. Foolishly I ate the BLT - I could have saved that for breakfast tomorrow. Mistakes like that can really cut into my tour profits. I could have a chicken and stuffing sandwich for breakfast I suppose, but it doesn't seem right.
The gig was great, but who cares about that. Let's mainly talk about the sandwiches. I know what is important. And the Unity Theatre is king of the sandwiches so far. This is the benchmark, other venues.
I drank one of the beers during the second half, but luckily it didn't affect things adversely!
Afterwards I returned to the scene of my fight and went for a drink in Bumpers. I guess I had half an eye on there being more trouble, but it hadn't been the club's fault last time and in fact the bouncers had saved me from further damage. But the mood was festive. There was a big party of students studying Japanese dressed in Japan themed fancy dress. I would have come as David Sylvian if I had known, but of course they would have been too young to get the reference. As you may be.
I was having a drink with fellow blogger and comedian Michael Legge who was gigging in another venue in town. Some of his friends had come to my gig (there's friendship for you - but I guess they'd had enough of him) and I drank with them until Legge arrived. Surprisingly given that they are friends with such a grumpy curmudgeon they were charming company and it made a lovely change not to be heading back to my hotel to make the transition between showbiz glamour and snot-strewn reality (no bogeys so far in my Holiday Inn room, but that doesn't mean they aren't there). It was fun to cut loose, though probably a bad idea given my lack of sleep and all the driving and writing that is coming up. But I didn't stay out too late, and lumbered into my room, no doubt waking up the businessman who had been stalking me from Harrogate via Leamington and was now, I'm sure in room 607 next door. This is a battle to the death, between the dawn risers and the dawn go to bedders.

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