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Tuesday 20th August 2024

I often wonder when I will slip from the bonds of reality and start to believe crazy or extreme or hate-filled stuff, like seemingly every man in their fifties or sixties. It might have happened already of course. I wouldn't know.
But maybe today is when I take the red pill or the blue pill, whichever one it is that tells you the truth. I can't remember, but also even if I could, can I trust the person with the pills to be telling me the truth? What if they are lying and the blue pill (or the red one) is actually the one that shows you the world as it is? Can I just take both pills? And if one of the pills shows you the truth and the other does nothing then why have the second pill at all. Just have one pill and say "If you want truth then take the pill and if you want things to be the same as they are now then you don't have to do anything obviously.
There's no point in having a pill that does nothing, except as a placebo, but that only works if you tell the recipient it does something. If you tell them it does nothing then it will do nothing and you've just made a load of coloured pills for no reason.
I think one of the pills make you forget you've taken the pills. Sounds like if you take that one then Morpheus is going to bum you. Just saying.
Anyway, as fun as conspiracy theories are, I have usually had a healthy amount of scepticism about them. It's surely the case that conspiracies exist and almost certain that there is something in some of them. I don't know how many people really believe that Epstein killed himself for example. But it's getting sucked into the rabbit hole that's the issue, when you start to see everything is connected and controlled and who it usually turns out is supposedly controlling all those things - that's where it gets a bit dodge.
But the strange coincidence of Mike Lynch's yacht going down (and being full of the people who got him off his fraud charges) the same weekend that his co-accused was killed in a hit and run and just after they'd both been acquitted does seem a bit too much to process.
If it's not making you do a little chinny reck-on then you are very trusting, even if you are correct.
But equally if you start looking online you'll find people who have already connected the dots back to the usual places. And you have to think that if a sinister group of whatever kind is orchestrating this many conspiracies, it's doing a shit job if so many people have found all these connections so easily and quickly and then not been disappeared.
Not many people believe that Putin's opponents are just coincidentally falling out of windows and getting on exploding planes and there are definitely people out there who are trying to murder their enemies. To give Putin his due, he doesn't really give a fuck if people join the dots on this one, and in fact he wants them to, because he's letting everyone know that if you fuck with him you will find that you can't fly.
So whilst a hit and run does sound like a pretty unimaginative assassination, conjuring up a fairly rare typhoon to sink a luxury yacht is a bit more off the scale. But then again it also seems quite an unlikely thing to happen and maybe the assassins had a bit of luck with their timing. Or maybe the kind of people who have this power are able to control the weather and... oops here we go.
I love conspiracy theories, just as I love aliens and ghosts and all of that stuff that I'd love to be true. I think that this all might be just a crazy coincidence, even if I can't quite suspend my disbelief. But if I am involved in an unlikely accident of some kind once this blog is published (like a boulder falling on me when I'm clearing stones) then take the red pill or the blue pill or both (you'll get a bumming out of it at the worst) and see the truth that I'm presenting to you.
Was Jimmy Hill on the yacht? Was Tutankhamun?

Another Ed Fringe RHLSTP today, this time with the most excellent Stuart Laws. Last one tomorrow and then we're back to regular RHLSTPs next week.

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