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Saturday 22nd December 2007

Well my Christmas miracle is looking even further away. We sold less than 20 DVDs today, but that's just the way with Christmas miracles, right? On Christmas Eve it will be around the 300 mark and then love and God and Father Christmas will combine and I will log in on Christmas morning to find myself with 40,000 sales. I believe. I believe in all those things.

Why are people such fucking idiots? It seems that everyone in the world has left their Christmas shopping until the last possible moment. Don't they know that I always leave my Christmas shopping until the last possible moment? If only they had done their shopping back in October then I would have a clear run at this thing. I hate people. So selfish, such procrastinators.
Every shop I went into this afternoon had long queues of morose and hassled people, glumly holding hastily snatched gifts, hoping they would be what their relations wanted, knowing in their hearts they were wasting their time and money. They were taking no joy in selecting and purchasing their gifts and the gifts in turn would give little to no pleasure to the people who would receive them. Wouldn't it just be easier if we all just gave each other the money?
Even though I haven't bought any presents yet and even though there are only two more shopping days until the wondrous event of disappointment and arguments, I gave up even looking after about half an hour. I would put it off until tomorrow when the queues might miraculously be shorter. After all, what kind of idiot leaves their shopping until the 23rd December? That's why everyone was there today, because the 22nd is as late as you can reasonably leave it.
Surely this isn't what Christmas should be about on any level. Surely things have got too commercial. Surely it can't get any worse. Ah, but it shall, no doubt. Back in my day we just got a satsuma and some monkey nuts and we were happy with that. At least back in my day, my parents used to say that they just got a satsuma and some monkey nuts when they were kids, so it's good to be keeping up with that tradition. I guess we got lots back then too and that our parents had to put up with a similar gruelling process of trudging through cold streets. End Christmas is what I continue to say. Luckily for me, the spiralling consumerism will soon enough bring down our democracy and destroy the planet earth and within a century or so the whole stupid festival will be over. But I will be dead by then, so that is small comfort to me.

I finally got fed up with myspace tonight. It is unwieldy to use, I keep getting spam on it and it's not an efficient way to let people know about my gigs and stuff, so I am opening up my facebook page to all comers as I think its events feature is better. If you want to join me there then I think this is how you get there. I am not interested in werewolves or pirates or any of that shit, so try not to ask me to join in with it. I don't have Scrabulous on there any more either, though it seems to think I have, so don't challenge me to games
To be honest, the website you're on now will more than keep you the most up to date with stuff. But feel free to come and play on facebook if you like - there's a Lee and Herring appreciation group on there.
I am almost certainly going to shut down my myspace page, so have a last look! I may keep it going, but I doubt it.
Anyway, them's the choices. See you on the internet.

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