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Wednesday 23rd April 2003

I went for lunch at the Botanical Gardens. Even the pigeons are classy in Australia. There was one strutting around by my table, shining with health, glistening purple plummage around his neck. It's not like this in Trafalgar Square!
A small toddler of just over a year old was on the next table. He threw the pigeon a tiny piece of red pepper. The pigeon went over to it, sniffed it (if birds can sniff) and then turned up its beak and walked away (these Aussie pigeons are classy I'm telling you).
The little boy was disappointed that the pigeon hadn't accepted his gift and rather sweetly thought that the bird hadn't seen where the vegetable had landed. Unable to speak to express himself the child helpfully pointed. The pigeon, feeling that his intelligence and class was being underestimated, pranced off to look for food that hadn't been dropped on the floor.

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