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Friday 24th April 2020


You know that all I want is to be back on the telly. But no one (except me at my most delusional) would have predicted that self-playing snooker would be the way back. But all I had to do was bide my time and wait for a global pandemic and suddenly after just 8 short years, I would be propelled into a position where I would be self-recording a frame which might be on the television. Admittedly I would have sold out my original vision that this sport should be audio only, but the big TV bucks drew me in and they made me an offer that I couldn’t refuse.
Hopefully the BBC will have the vision to commission an entire series of this, rather than the 4 minutes of highlights that they are proposing. But that’s down to the viewing public. I know the Coronavirus has been slightly negative for some people, but surely it’s all worth it if I am on the telly??
Anyway I recorded Me1 vs Me2 (baby steps - I am not sure the TV audience are ready for Me11 or Me19 yet) and then pre-recorded a frame for evening release (allowing the tens of fans to get their hit, whilst I got to go on a date night with my wife). You can catch that one in the video section at and we’ll put up the full TV frame in the secret members’ area at (you just have to become a monthly badger to see that and hundreds of other extra videos at after it’s been broadcast (or not).
We had a gin martini and a bottle of nice red wine and fillet steak for dinner and then watched Rocketman. It’s an OK film, though having Elton John as executive producer meant that it was perhaps not as balanced as it could be. Elton’s mistakes and selfishness were treated sympathetically (though not without criticism) and John Reid was (perhaps not too unfairly) portrayed as the villain (yet an admission later that Elton had fucked everyone and taken every kind of drug possible, made the scene where Reid is getting a blowjob off someone else  and Elton is upset seem a bit rich). Elton claims that he enjoyed all of it and maybe we are not meant to believe him, but his flamboyant and public suicide attempt would seem to prove that he didn’t.
Of course my opinion of John is slightly coloured by the gig I did for him in 2002. I was surprised that this didn’t feature in the film to be honest, but maybe it will be in the sequel which will cover the Lion King and the duet with Eminem. Although the failure of that gig was not John’s fault, he certainly pushed it towards that direction by not hiding his boredom and talking loudly during the set. I would hope that a performer might have recognised the awful situation and been encouraging, but that gig was interesting to see which of the celebs were tuned into that and which weren’t. I am pretty sure Elton John is a big spoiled baby who has always put his own emotional needs first with no regard for the lives of other people. When it comes down to it I was a minor victim of this compared to his wife, for example. But I guess Elton might not have got behind the movie if it has shown the real him. 
His life story is fascinating and it’s an interesting take on it and an enjoyable film. Much as it would be more interesting to see a slightly sharper and unbiased version about the effects that huge fame can have on a person. And why it’s so hard to come out of that kind of adulation without becoming a terrific cunt.
Maybe they can do one about me and how the snooker success changed me. Me19 has shown us what lurks beneath.

Third trip to the supermarket since lockdown and longest queue yet. But nearly everything (apart from flour) in stock. I was just trying to top up on freezer and basic essentials as we can get lots of stuff from the milkman and local honesty shop and cut down our risk of getting ill. But I can't live without my Soleros (though they always run out in 3 days cos the kids love them too. The social distancing has become normality now, but I wonder how long for. 

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