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Monday 24th May 2010

The heat had not helped, but after last week's relative breeze, this week's AIOTM script was a struggle. I enjoy it in part. The way that a stream of consciousness can lead to an interesting and unexpected idea - and the whole start of the script was a bit weird - but there's no way of finding out if it works until you put it in front of an audience, so it's nerve-wracking as Hell. And this time I wasn't sure I'd even get it finished in time.
But ultimately I just have to get down what I can and hope for the best. It's the nature of the beast that not every show can be a classic. I have to keep reminding myself how remarkable it is that we are managing to do this at all. And I am still excited about it, even when I am terrified.
Even though it was hot and there was football 150 hardy souls turned up, but we had been spoiled last week with 300 and it was always going to be a little harder to get things going. But given how little of this comedy had existed just 24 hours before we gave them a good enough show and the crowd were treated to some exclusive stories about Stewart Lee, my fart that wouldn't die and my interest in naked teenage girls with cat hairdos ( this was who I was talking about for anyone who was thinking I had gone mad).
But those of you who were not prepared to get out of the sun, or from out in front of the football or come down to London or just wanted to hold on to your £10 you can listen to an hour or so of other stuff here or via iTunes. Thanks to Mat Ricardo who provides the photos by the way - the one illustrating today's podcast was taken at about 6.30pm on the evening - this all comes to you very fast!
I had been sorry to hear about the death of Ray Alan, who I remembered well from childhood days - although surprised in a way to find out he'd still been going. He seemed like he belonged to a bygone era and to the young me had seemed to be in his 60s in the 1970s. He was just a few months of 80 when he died and I felt sorry for Lord Charles who in the Egyptian tradition will surely be buried with his master whether he himself is dead or not. I will allow you to make your own jokes about not wanting to go into the box. I am too classy.
As anyone listening to today's AIOTM will know.
And the band I alluded to that some people have said are reminiscent of the Conchords (or rather vice versa) is "Front Lawn".
Looking forward to a nice long sleep in on Tunday.
And don't forget Londoners - I am doing a reading and chat about "How Not To Grow Up" in Waterstones, Gower St on Wednesday. It's a small space so book your tickets now.

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