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Friday 26th July 2024

Friday 26th July 2024


Hooray, dizziness abated and a really fun day. We'd been debating going to the Giant's Causeway, but that would be at least three hours on the road and yesterday a taxi driver had recommended the Science Museum W5.

It was absolutely excellent. A ridiculous amount of fun things to do so we learned stuff without realising, brilliant staff, an exhibition of fantastical monsters where the kids did some real magic and a soft play so that the grown ups could sit down for 45 minutes. You were allowed to come and go as you please too, so we popped out to Zizzi for lunch, which was probably a mistake. Maybe we're just going to stuff where seasonal staff are just starting, but orders got forgotten and food wasn't great and though they insisted that you couldn't pay in cash their card machine wasn't working.

We nearly missed the start of a talk about real life deep sea monsters as a result. We kept finding new rooms, all with run interactive stuff to do. In the medical room there was a statue with huge lips and hands demonstrating the most sensitive parts of your body. Obviously I wondered what it would look like if the genitals came into play. I suspect you'd only be able to see a huge dick or huger clitoris. 

There was also a room that advised that people of a sensitive disposition should avoid it, in which you could virtually examine corpses and cut them into slices. This time you were able to see bums and genitals which the kids loved. But also if any new serial killers start a murder spree, do send the police to our house first. They found it all funny, rather than absolutely horrifying, when they saw a road traffic addident victim's noo-noo.

We spent pretty much the whole day at the place before returning to the Air B n B to play Monopoly. It really isn't a game for six people and my mother-in-law and I seemed to end up in Jail a ridiculous amount of times (we played for a couple of hours and she only passed Go twice) and I only managed to get two properties. It was mainly fun, but predictably my competitive daughter got angry when her brother edged ahead (though I admired her for making a risky trade that could have led to victory if the dice had gone her way). She is very much like me in this respect, whereas Ernie, cruised to probable victory (we didn't have time to finish) whilst saying it was just fun to play and it didn't matter who won, just being pleased he was doing all the maths right. He's not mine. 

Catie and I went out for a quick pint of Guinness (zero for me obvs) in a pub, which meant we got an hour of holiday in. 

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