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Monday 27th January 2020

The A Levels are done and I went out on my bike, up the Gorge and failed to talk to girls.
Well I drove to the gym. Ian David Lloyd must have been amazed to see me. He’s taken at least six months of fees without me turning up once. He must have thought he was on to a good thing. But now he is going to have to start paying. By letting me use the running machine for five minutes and the cycling machine for twenty minutes. All for just about £300. Presuming this is the last time I go in 2020. Which it might be.
And that wasn’t it. I also went for a coffee whilst I caught up on some online chores and then to the supermarket and then came back to start the long job of sorting out my office. Long and never ending. Because this might also be the lat time I do this and it ended the day messier than it started.
But the important thing is that I am not working. Not really working.
The dog needed walking and I was keen to reveal my amazing stone-clearing surprise, so I went out with my torch, only to discover it was still too light outside to need one and tried to clear some stones. But it turned into a game of cat and mouse with a member of the stone stasi who I think was also a ghost. None of this matters. You only need to listen to the start. Assuming you have listened to all 52 previous chapters and the fummertime fpecial or it won’t make a lick of sense
My wife was out in the evening so I tried to push through How I Met Your Mother. There are so many episodes left. And apparently it gets worse. But I can’t back out now. 

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