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Wednesday 27th November 2002

I should always remember that two bottles of wine between two people is enough. Was out for a drink with my friend Rebecca last night. Had a great evening, but was bibbing wine very quickly. We had a debate about the necessity of a third bottle. It was probably a stupid idea, but hey, we both felt fine. It wasn't too late. I did want to work in the morning. Sense nearly prevailed. But alas we both like drinking wine and chose to go for number three.
As I write this on Thursday I have a hangover that will stop me doing any further work today. I record this only to remind myself that it is best to stop at two bottles, especially when I always drink faster than whichever wine-bibbing companion I am with.
It is a lesson that I will never learn, because two bottles isn't quite enough and three bottles is too much and it's not like wine comes in half bottles is it? Someone should look into that.

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