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Thursday 27th February 2025

So close to the end of the No Solero nightmare and really closing in on that £500K target. Do donate if you can.
The last two days are the hardest. Apart from the first two,the second two, the third two, the fourth two, the fifth two, the sixth two, the seventh two, the eighth two, the ninth two, the tenth two, the eleventh two, the twelfth two and the thirteenth two. Which are all much harder.
It's a week of playing Cathedral cities this week. We left behind Canterbury, stained with the blood of Thomas A Beckett (there were 26 Thomas Becketts and he was Thomas A - like the Richard Herrings, they were all bumped off one by one) and headed to Bath, where any blood stains can be conveniently washed off by the natural spring waters. Tomorrow Exeter and it's big blob of a Cathedral. No rhyme or reason to the routing of course and we weren't helped today by my sat nav freezing and thus sending us the wrong way for a little while.
I've been mildly dizzy again this week, but have suspected it's mainly down to exhaustion and I may be right as after sleeping in til the unheard of hour of 8am I was pretty much back in balance.
Back to the Bath Komedia, with another very appreciative crowd (which again might be a little smaller than I used to get in this venue, but still enough to make the gig viable) and I had some fun with Right Bollock who the audience love, even if I pretend to find it embarrassingly bad (don't worry both reactions are correct).
I recorded a little video in the tiny dressing room (which I also meant to do last night in Canterbury, where I've been so often that the horrible thought struck me of being able to see every time I'd been in that room when I looked in the mirrors and so would be able to see my physical decline). I am going to put these videos up as bonus extras for Substack Paid Subscribers, so if you want an honest appraisal of what it's like being a journeyman comedian in his twilight years, then shell out the £5 a month and join the party, you tightwads.
Touring is pretty boring, sadly and one day melts in to another like a box of Soleros left in a car boot (but for some reason someone took off all the wrappers first). I didn't see much of either city today, though did get some stuff in Boots in Bath and I enjoyed that.
I was sad to hear the news of Gene Hackman and his wife (and dog), though didn't ever try to wank off during any of this movies (maybe Young Frankenstein) so I don't have much else to say (though at least one audience member in Bath identified with the allure of the ladies in Going For Gold -the 80s were a barren time for wankers and as I said to him, I am pretty sure I kept up the habit in the 90s too, when I was well into my 20s).
It's interesting to see how quickly conspiracy theories develop around all news stories these days. Whilst the circumstances of these deaths are certainly unusual and require some explanation, no one seems prepared to just wait and let people work that out for them. Social media was aflame with theories, creating pathways to other events, like the release of the Epstein files - was Gene Hackman's dog all a part of that.
Yeah, we can all take a guess at what might have happened or we could just wait to find out and trust that the people whose job it is to investigate things like this, might actually have no ulterior motive and just get on with it.
Just wait and see.
Not everything is part of a grand conspiracy - it's more likely that nothing is and the world is just a mess created by people acting out of self-interest or foolishness and with no idea of what the consequences will be. Not every news story that happens is there just to distract the stupid populace from the real news story that "they" don't want you to know.
It's convenient for some of our political leaders to be able to blame dark forces for everything, though Trump hasn't managed to explain how these dark forces have slipped up so badly and allowed him to be President twice. They are really shit at being dark forces. Unless.... no. No way. It can't be.... Not Trump!
The bin fire is probably too alight to put out now. It's just a bit exhausting isn't it? Pandora's Box is open now and no, I am not going to do the joke you want me to. This is too serious a time for Shakespearian word play.
Personally given the dead bodies are partly mummified I think it's pretty obvious that we're looking for an Ancient Egyptian murderer, but that's as far as I'll go with speculation. Though believe me, if that isn't even mentioned in final report then there's some kind of cover up going on.

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