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Wednesday 27th August 2014

A proper long lie-in today, though I was still tired for most of the day. It’s 46 days until I take part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon (please sponsor me here if you feel so inclined - all money to Scope. It’s harder than pouring ice water over my head and it it’s raining will be like pouring ice water over my head for two and a half hours, but just in cast you will only donate to people who cover themselves in shocking fluids then I was the first one to think of this) so I went for a run. I did lots of walking in Edinburgh and the occasional session on the treadmill, but due to the Fringe and the Men’s Health Abs Challenge I haven’t done much running for the last two months,
It was Me1’s turn to show what he could do. He is usually cocky and confident and of course holds the record for the 6.75 mile run (still some 5 minutes faster than Me2 has managed). But there was a chink of hope for Me2 today as Me1 found it very heavy going and only managed six minutes of running before calling it a day and deciding to do some shopping instead. The selectors who decide which Me will be doing the race will obviously take into account current form rather than who has run the distance faster in the past. So if Me2 picks things up for these last few weeks then he might find himself in the limelight. I am not sure about the legality of this, but the selectors are thinking of letting one of the Mes run the first half of the Half and the other run the second half and thus get a fresh pair of legs and also potentially speed things up by creating extra competition. Which Me will run their quarter marathon the fastest? It will be very hard for race invigilators to spot this fraud, which is sure to have Lance Armstrong repercussions on the world of half marathons run at between 120 and 180 minutes if it gets out. 
With a beach holiday coming up I am not convinced that we will manage the sub 2 hour time that I was hoping for. In fact weirdly, since that incredible run of form created by the early Me Vs Me competition our pace has slowed considerably. Me 2 will have a chance to show what he can do on Friday. Me1 is claiming that he was sabotaged by Me 2 drinking a beer and some whisky last night. But how could Me2 drinking booze affect Me1’s performance? It doesn’t make any sense.
I am keen to keep up the fitness drive, but also think I need to relax and have some fun, so am allowing myself some treats and some alcohol whilst I am on holiday, but it’s interesting that even a minimal amount has such an impact on the next day. As with everything in my life it’s all about balance. I hope by the end of the year I will have sorted out work/life and food/exercise issues. I am proud about what I have achieved this year, but change is in the air. And that is a good thing. 
My latest Metro article - a bit more serious than usual - is now up here.

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