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Thursday 9th January 2020


I continue to play chicken with myself with the scripts. I was at my desk a lot today, but did not make a huge amount of progress. I keep hoping tomorrow will bring better fortune, but I don’t have many tomorrows left. Will it all snap into place? I presume so, but I am standing in the road and watching the headlights zoom towards me and not making any attempt to jump out of the way. How scared do I need to be to leap into action.
It will come and you can’t force it too much. The queasy despair is part of the process, as is the elation and triumph of finishing a script and the inevitable return to hopelessness for the next one. Whatever happens in a couple of weeks this Hell will be over.
I wish I was the me of two weeks time. I envy him. Unless the me of now really fails to deliver two more scripts, in which case his life isn’t worth living. Let’s fuck that smug wanker up!

My daughter did a big poo this morning and I complimented. My son, locked behind his gate in his bedroom was shouting something, but I didn’t understand what. I flushed the toilet and then my wife said, “He wants to look at the poo.”
He then went into melt-down shouting "I want to see it." But it was too late. Too late. 
This was not a consequence of becoming a parent that I had predicted. And you’d think I, of all people, would have done.

The 50th Chapter of Stone Clearing went up today (though I cleared the stones yesterday evening) It’s a real mile ftone. I am very proud of this podcast. I know not all of you get it, yet, but it’s the best thing I’ve ever done and one day the world will catch up.
I also enjoyed reading the comments on iTunes, some of which do seem to recognise the philosophical and artistic import of what I am doing 
My favourite though is 
2 stars " Why?   It’s listening to a Richard Herring walking about a field and clearing stones off it.” The 2 stars is the genius.
You should get into it. You wouldn’t believe it when you hear it, but I never prep anything beforehand. It’s all conjured up from my brain and the random encounters that occur along the way.
Obviously the emails are all pre-written, but not by me, but by the fans of the show like BMW Carr.
Someone asked me if a pile of stones near Wells was my doing. I replied "Every stone clearer can take the credit for every cleared stone.
It’s the kind of thing Jesus would say. Only better.

Forgot to say that there’s a new RHLSTP with Tape Face aka Sam Wills ip on audio  and video

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