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Tuesday 9th April 2019
Tuesday 9th April 2019

Tuesday 9th April 2019


If you want one of those precious un-weed on stones (not guaranteed) or just to see a documentary of how I clear stones, then please donate a little something here. We’re a quarter of the way to the target, but things very much slow down in the middle two weeks so if you can give us a little push up this hill, it will be greatly appreciated. All donations, however big or small, are appreciated.

I woke up way too early again and today felt like a post RHLSTP Tuesday even though it wasn’t.  And I had both kids for the afternoon. Four hours can feel like an eternity in these circumstances. 
Don’t get me wrong, I had fun, drawing pictures, blowing bubbles, playing my daughter’s new version of hide and seek where the hider can only win if they can touch the seeker before they’ve been seen (very difficult, but I like the way that she plays hide and seek the same as I do - that is, even when she knows where I am hiding, she will pretend that she doesn’t and play like she’s searching for me. She understands that all of life is a charade) and trying to persuade my daughter to put her pants back on, because she thinks it’s funny to walk around waving her bum at everyone (I don’t know where she gets that from… oh and yes, she is 28 years old. Nearly forgot).
All the time trying to ensure that they don’t do anything to kill themselves, whilst desperately trying to stop falling asleep. Plus having to check Twitter every thirty seconds.
The art session whilst my son was having his nap was fun. We both drew an Easter bunny again and then Phoebe wanted to draw a picture of me. She even made me pose, as she studied my face to get every detail - the stubble, the eyelashes, the lines on my forehead, the sunglasses holding up my hair. The result was horrifying but weirdly captured my essence. And the way that my hair floats above my head. 
I know parents posting their kids’ pictures is dull and annoying to you non-breeders out there (though surely fun when they take down the subject so succinctly) but what is hard to appreciate is the absolute mind fuck of how quickly children go from being useless blobs that can do nothing for ages, who can then scrawl and scribble lines on a piece of paper to seemingly magically actually being able to represent things that they are looking at in a vaguely recognisable way. And with their own artistic spin. And a bit of Quentin Blake in there, even though I don’t think she’s yet seen any of his work.
I enjoyed drawing the bunny and also how impressed my daughter was with my efforts (I have the artistic abilities of an averagely talented six year old and thus have another year or so of her being in awe of me being almost able to copy a drawing).
Then the multi talented Nathan Jay somehow combined the drawing with a photo to discover what the real life version of this inner Richard Herring would look like. And it turns out he’s as sexy as Hell.

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