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Sunday 23rd March 2003

The Tron Theatre in Glasgow definitely wins the award for the best pre-gig meal of this tour so far. Yes it was even better than the egg mayonnaise (heavy on the mayonniase) sandwiches in Swindon.
Genuinely the cafe attached to the theatre is brilliant. The lamb I had was one of the nicest bits of meat I have ever eaten (remember 15 of my years fell to vegetarianism, so that's not as impressive at it could be). It was worth flying up to Scotland and having to get up at 5am tomorrow morning just to eat here.
I am a born again meat eater I am both proud and ashamed to say, though my previous life means that when I eat an animal now, I at least appreciate the sacrifice it has given for me and I try to make sure I eat it all (no problem with the lamb at the Tron. I could have eaten another two. Even though two more innocent lambs would have had to die).
So essentially I suppose I am recommending that you eat at the Tron and that if you are a vegetarian you give it up (at least for the one meal you have here!)
Sorry if I offend any of my previous vegetarian brethren, but it's a man eat lamb world out there.
(This entry written on no sleep at Kuala Lumpa airport with twelve hours to go before I make it to Melbourne)

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