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Thursday 14th September 2006

In my continuing quest to get my life into order, I popped into Rymans to buy some folders. They were selling them in packs of 10 and I probably only needed a maximum of 30, but underneath the shelf they were on was a big sign proclaiming "Buy 5 and get 20% off". It seemed to indicate that this deal was good on all folders. It was certainly emblazoned all over the shelf that the folders I was buying were on.
So if I bought one more pack, I would get a pack for free. I wasn't sure I needed 50 folders immediately, but figured that with luck I could use 50 folders before I die and I merely had to ten more to get ten free. It seemed like a good deal. I took five packs down from the shelf and just hoped that I didn't get knocked over by a bus in the next couple of years or the joke would be on me. "Look," my family would say as they cleared out my house," He hda way more folders than he was going to need. what an idiot!"
I took them up to the young lad at the check out who scanned them through. I could see on the screen that no discount had been taken off. "It's 20% off if you buy 5," I informed him.
"It's not coming up on the system," he replied.
"Well it's written all over the shelf there. I think legally you're required to give me 20% off, but if not I only want to buy three."
He looked a bit perplexed and unsure of what to do. His older colleague was dealing with another customer. He weighted it up and then decided to manually enter the discount. But as I could see it all gone through on the screen, the middle aged man at the till next to him took an interest.
"He says it's 20% off, but it's not on the system," said the younger guy.
"Let's have a look," said the determined older guy and walked over to look at the offer. He went up close and read the sign and said triumphantly, "It's only on the (can't remember the brand, let's say it was Olympus) folders." These were the folders on the shelf below all the signs, which is at lest a bit confusing. And what kind of person looks at the brand name of a folder. I had looked at the sign twice and not noticed this specfication. It was in very small writing and given the location of the signs themselves, at least a little bit confusing.
"Oh, right," I said, "Maybe you'd want to make that a bit clearer."
"It's perfectly clear," said the older shop assistant with a cocky lilt of sarcasm in his voice. He was clearly implying that I was stupid or that I had been trying to defraud the shop. Obviously it wasn't perfectly clear or I wouldn't have made the mistake.
I felt my blood starting to boil, because this man had made a fuss over all this and now seemed to be intent on humiliating me for what was a genuine error. I was after all, a customer and it wasn't his place to belittle me. If he'd just said, "Yes, I can understand the confusion," then we could all have got on with our day. But he'd had to make me look like an idiot and potential thief instead. And the fact that I have shoplifted in the past is neither here nor there. I have turned my back on crime now, on nearly all occasions.
"It's not that clear, is it?" I countered rather aggressively, "It's got "Folders - buy 5 get 20% off" all over the shelf I picked those folders off of. And I would appreciate it if you didn't use that sarcastic tone with me."
He still didn't back down, "I'm not being sarcastic. It's perfectly obvious what it means."
Now I was really cross. I'd been in a reasonable mood before I'd come into this shop and now within ten seconds this white haired old man had transformed me into a snarling monster.
"It isn't fucking obvious, pal. There's two signs right by the folders saying "Buy 5 get 20% off"".
"There's no call for bad language," he told me, trying to remain calm, but obviously enjoying goading me.
"Yes there is," I replied, "I you are behaving like such a dick."
OK, maybe I had gone too far and he now had the moral high ground as I had lost my temper. But I would still argue that this is very poor customer service. He could easily have smoothed over this embarrassment with a polite comment or a recognition that maybe the labelling was not entirely clear to anyone without a working knowledge of folder manufacturers. He might even have suggested that I exchange the folders I had for the superior ones on the shelf below, given the bargain I would be getting. But no, he couldn't resist pointing out my supposed foolishness and as such I think the lashing of expletives and the qualification of dick-hood were 100% his own fault. OK, maybe 80%. I'll give him the 20% off that he refused to give to me.
There was now a tension in the air as things had gone a bit far. The other customers looked startled. The young man dealing with my transaction was embarrassed.
I told him I only wanted three lots of folders now (again, if the mistake had been politely pointed out we'd have got here without the rudeness. I had said that that would be the case before) , which meant he had to change my order on the till. He had some trouble with this and there were a couple of tense moments as this was sorted out. I considered forgetting the whole thing and just going to Smiths. But I liked the younger man and was by now ashamed at this outburst and so didn't want to make any more of a fuss. I was still fuming and as it finally all went through and I left I decided never to shop at Rymans again.
And I love buying stationery. This could have a massive impact on their stock market price.

So I know I acted badly and I am surprised about the speed that my irritation turned to anger, but I still maintain that I was badly handled by this man. Even if the truth is that I am the dick and deserved to be treated this way, then Rymans has lost a customer (for a bit. I am sure I will calm down eventually). I am aware that this story reflects badly on myself, but am also amused by my reaction and the speed of me boiling over. I caught sight of my reflection in a bus window and I looked like an angry old man myself.
There is no need to swear though. But it feels pretty cool when you do. He was lucky I didn't punch him too! Ha ha. I am the new Sid Vicious.

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