Richard's first new stand up show in 6 years, about the momentous year where his bollock started feeling a bit weird and what that led to. It's a funny look at testicles, cancer and facing death as Richard faces his priorities and joins the esteemed league of monoballers whose number include Hitler, Lance Armstrong, Nigel Farage, Graham Linehan and Franco.... wait is this some kind of punishment?

Can I Have My Ball Back? Playlist

This is the preshow music for Can I Have My Ball Back? compiled by tour manager James Hingley

4 star review in the Standard for Can I Have My Ball Back?

Bruce Dessau enjoys my bollock 9th May 2024

4 star review in Telegraph for Can I Have My Ball Back?

Stephen Armstrong reviews 9th May 2024

3 and a half stars form

Graham Hadibi-Williams reviews, published 9th May 2024

I News interview about my bollocks

3rd May 2024 interview with Kasia Delgado

Review of Wolverhampton Literature Festival

James Vukmirovic writes on Feb 4 2023

Chortle Review of Can I Have My Ball Back?

4 stars from Steve Bennett 12th December 2022

Sunday Times

interview with Angela Wintle of the Sunday Times November 11th 2022

Times - interview about my testicle

Damian Whitworth interview form 11/10/22