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Wednesday 12th June 2024

The Me1 vs Me2 fight to be as fit as possible continues, with Me 1 completing an impressive hours of weights with his trainer and making a delicious dahl for dinner and Me2 stuffing his face with party rings and ice cream. Who will win the battle? Me2 obviously. He is wrecking all the hard work of his sugar free doppleganger.
I am definitely feeling well enough to exercise again now - dizziness and bugs have been my downfall (literally with the dizziness) this year and then tiredness leads to snacking. And I start each day feeling like I've kicked my drug addiction this time. But that's only because Me2 likes to sleep in.
I always hope that I can find a balance so both Mes are happy. But I know the only solution is to allow one of the Mes to murder the other and then live my life committed to one life style or the other. I know Me2 is more likely to be a murderer, but Me1 seems all good and virtuous, but when push comes to shove he might be capable of strangling a rival in his sleep. And if Me2 wins then I'll be dead in a couple of months anyway.
I played Phoebe at Simpsons chess today (it's chess but with Simpsons characters). It's not a game that I am very good at and I never really got into it and Phoebe has taken to it pretty well. She doesn't like to lose (I don't know where she gets that from), but she played quite aggressively and the only way to protect my Homer was to fight back and I quickly found myself having taken two more Barts than her and both of her Maggies. She exposed her Marge on a couple of occasions but I was able to rein in my competitiveness and not take her (though did point out that I could have, due to me being an arsehole). I'd love to say that I then allowed her to take my Marge, but she got it fair and square because I played a terrible move. So I chucked the board over and called her a cheat.
Not really, but I conceded.
I knew that I could have won it though, so neither of us cried.

The wonderful Rufus Jones was full of stories on today's RHLSTP. Listen here. It's a fun one. 

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