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Friday 13th August 2004

Today I got my crayfish salad and also did one of the best shows of the run. It was a much healthier audience (in terms of numbers - I didn't take all their temperatures using a rectal thermometer and anyone who says I did is lying) though still not full which I would have expected for a Friday before the festival. I was happy enough with what I got and they were a good crowd. I think I managed to tell the whole story effectively in the time and though there are things that the audience will inevitably wish I could have talked about for longer I don't think it is such a negative thing to have so much to say. I am looking forward to doing a longer version after Edinburgh though and have deliberately held back on going into too much detail on the dates as I think I might make it a show in its own right.
Earlier I had done a photo shoot on Carlton Hill for Metro. I know they are going to give me a good review, but annoyingly it doesn't come out til Tuesday. Hopefully it will help matters, but there's a good buzz developing and the word from the punters is very positive.
I was waving my sword around for the photos. At any other time I would probably have been arrested or shot by a police marksman, but it's the Fringe so you can get away with anything and no-one blinks an eye. Edinburgh was unexpectedly blessed with sunshine this afternoon after a day and a half of rain and it was a wonderful sight looking down over the city. I don't think I've been up on Carlton Hill since 1987. And I've definitely never been there carrying a large theatrical sword.
It's now 10 performances down and only 16 to go. As usual with festivals I can only start to relax and enjoy myself when everything is nearly over. Stupidly I have agreed to do three stand up gigs over the next three nights and I am a bit concerned about what I'm going to do. I haven't really done stand-up properly (on my own) for 12 years, aside from a few charity gigs and late night slots at festivals. It's a different thing than going on and doing your own show in front of an audience that has paid to see you. I am closing Podrephenia (the Pod's version of Late and Live) on Sunday and have to do thirty minutes. It could be an hilarious disaster, though I'm thinking I might get away with doing some of the more crowd pleasing moments from Talking Cock.
I should try and work up a proper stand-up act at some point though. I hated doing it years ago, but I think now I have a bit more confidence in myself and stuff to talk about I might be OK at it.

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