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Thursday 2nd May 2019
Thursday 2nd May 2019
Thursday 2nd May 2019

Thursday 2nd May 2019


OK, it isn’t ice. Because it was still there this morning. But this time I took a photo and asked the font of all knowledge (and also all ignorance) Twitter and I got several plausible replies. The consensus seems to be that it’s the remains of an exploded white walker from off of Game of Thrones.
Others have said, though this seems fanciful, that it’s the remains of some kind of salt lick for cows or horses (though there are no animals in the field that the substance appeared) or possibly to lure deer from the woods so they can be taken down with crossbows (presumably by some band of lawless modern-day Robin Hoods or modern-day Dukes of Hazards who are hiding out amongst the trees). 
Other opinions were quartz or gypsum, with a few suggesting crystal meth. I guess we’ll never know the truth. Unless I lick it. I might lick it tomorrow. I will either die, get high, become a death walker or need a big glass of water. Wish me luck.

It’s taken less than a third of a year (by about 12 hours) but I have now lost over 2 stone (12.8kgs). My BMI is down to 30 meaning I am straddling the border betwixt the lands of the obese and the overweight. Today I was super tired after our poorly son had kept me awake for most of the night. I ended up sleeping in the same room as him on the little tent bed that my daughter was sleeping in up to this week. It was more comfortable than I imagined. And tiredness led to snacking. This has been the problem that has caused me to put on so much weight since the kids were born. But I kept my snacks mainly healthy. I think I will be back to being obese tomorrow, but the trajetory is downwards. And I was delighted to find out that I fit into all my old shirts, suits and jeans now, so I can send all my big Tesco clothes to a charity shop (and then have to buy them again when I fall into the chocolate river).

I didn’t manage to get much done, but I did get a chance to record frame 88 of Me1 vs Me2 Snooker. It was a thriller and a sudden rain storm battering down on the roof above us gave it an exciting atmosophere. Also some nice Dyson action to annoy audiophiles and Remaniacs.

My huntsman tattoo is still holding out OK. I am actually starting to think there might be something in the non-permanent transfer tattoo for adults. It would need to be a bit more persistent than these kids ones, but it would allow me to live my dream of having a spider’s web on my face.

And I voted for the first time in the countryside. Which is pretty remarkable as it feels like there’s been an election every couple of weeks recently. It was a tough choice, mainly as we’re in a staunchly Tory area where Labour have no chance, but also because I am not really happy with the Labour direction on Brexit. Surely I wouldn’t vote Lib Dem, but they were the only one with any chance of toppling the Tories, but what about their clear stupidity and hypocrisy in backing up the Tory government that would lead us into the mess we’re in? Can we forgive them? I think I’ve only ever voted Labour and Green before and Green was an option. But what would I do? We’d had no literature through the door, no visits from anyone and seen nothing of any arguments and we were in a rush to get my wife to the train station and my daughter to swimming. I had to make a choice very quickly.
I wonder what I did.
All I know is that it feels like our political system needs a thorough overhaul. Just as we look back at kids in looms as a craziness that could never happen now and the Victorian rotten boroughs as an affront to democracy, the people of the 22nd Century (if applicable) are not going to believe that you could live in a place where voting for what you believed in  might be an entirely wasted vote. Nor that there was, at this crucial time in UK history, no one really satisfactory for anyone to vote for for a vast swathe of voters who weren’t on the political extremes.
I feel the short term prospects for our country are pretty poor. A Brexit party is such a negative thing, with literally no manifesto, that I don’t think it can help us in the long term, but there is literally no one credible out there to build on all those Remainers who are protesting. Someone who isn’t a politician has to set up a party. But I fear it’s too late and Farage has had a 20 year run up on this thing. I was once going to write a sitcom about a Farage like figure winning a general election due to a perfect storm of the other parties all fucking up. Doesn’t seem so funny now.
And I for one welcome our frog-faced overlord.

The second guest for the Leeds RHLSTP has been announced: joining Mark and Dominic from Emmerdale (Marlon and Paddy respectively) will be Kaiser Chiefs front man, Ricky Wilson. Not many tickets left for this show on May 11th (or for Salford on May 25th) so book now. See all the tour dates here.

And look we have the designs for two of the four Kickstarter T shirts - fantastic work from Dave Thomas. These will not be available for purchase anywhere else, so if you want one (or three- the snooker T-shirts are still on the old green drawing board) then back the kickstarter in the next couple of days.

There’s a new monthly newsletter with info about the tour and the kickstarter and news of another RHLSTP date in Canterbury.

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