We started watching Godless on Netflix tonight. I was impressed that they weren't spoon feeding their audience and how you had to try and piece together what was going on as much of the action was inferred through conversation. But although we struggled through the first ten minutes, we got into it and were enjoying it, but were still a bit confused about what was going on.
After we'd watched one episode I headed to wikipedia to try and work out exactly who was who and what we'd missed, but the synopsis of episode one seemed to include a load of stuff that I didn't remember having seen.
It was only after a couple of minutes of confusion that I realised we'd somehow watched episode 2 of the series. No idea where Netflix started us there (though it seemed that somebody had watched the first 90 seconds of episode 1 - but even then you'd expect the software to pick up where whoever that was had left off).
So it wasn't quite as oblique and bold a series as I'd thought and we'd done well to keep up when we'd missed the first hour of action. We will pick up from the start next time.
This happened to me once on iPlayer when I was trying to watch White Gold for the interview with Joe Thomas and for some reason it played the final episode first. Again, I thought it was bold writing that refused to patronise its audience. Maybe dramas should put their episodes out in the wrong order. It's a much better way to get people to engage. Being bamboozled is a great motivator for concentration.
I missed a family trip to London because of my continuing dizziness (it seemed a bit better today), but read more of Mortimer's excellent book and tried to rest up. I am OK as long as I am sitting up and not moving (lying down is the worst). My lateral flow test came back negative and I think it’s likely that I am just burned out from the holiday (and other stresses). Annoying though.
It will be live streamed for anyone with
a series pass and for badgers. Link for that is in the members' area of rhlstp.co.uk as is the link for badgers to purchase streaming tickets at half price. New badgers get all this too,
so become one now.