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Monday 3rd February 2025

I think actually 8106/21027 - what do you think? That's a lot of mislabelled entries!
I don't know who I am any more. What do numbers even mean if we can't rely on those numbers?

RHLSTP is back. I mean it literally never goes away, but I sometimes get ahead with recording them and don't have to do them for a bit.
It's only a couple of months since I was last at the Leicester Square Theatre, but it feels like longer, but again the Herring Otter slipped right back into the water and it was like it'd never been away.
Booking this show continues to be the bane of my life, but doing it is always so much fun. Tonight saw the start of the 31st series of this show and every now and then I consider whether it's time to hang up my podcasting hat (I mean I'll always do the ones that make no money, obviously), but I think I'll probably let you all make that decision for me. Who knows what adventures we'll get up to between now and when it becomes unprofitable.
The guests were internet satirists Larry and Paul (who have been doing some amazing work) and crossword compiler Dave Gorman, who looks like the result of Larry and Paul getting into the same teleportation pod. My favourite RHLSTPs are the ones where we just get chatting about something and that reminds one or other of us about something or we go off on a flight of comedic fancy, until it finally slams into a cliff and dies. There was loads of both tonight. And a couple of bits we had to cut. So when you hear these shows and what we put out, imagine how offensive the stuff we edit out must be!
Or come and see it live and don't miss a libellous word. Next one is 15th Feb in Leicester, but in the afternoon so you can travel in and home again pretty easily wherever you live (maybe not if you're in Scotland or Australia).
I also got to watch episode one of the new series of Modern Life is Goodish today (which has been off air for 7 years, amazingly) and it's just as good as it ever was, covering lots of ground but tying it all up neatly in a Dave Gorman chequered bow by the end. I am also reading the Centrist Dad Handbook for the Book Club this week and I think it's fair to say that both Dave and I qualify. We had quite a long discussion about how we deal with or avoid single use plastic and how neither of our wives share our passion. My favourite glimpse into the life of the Gormans is that Dave uses those little washing machine sheets to do washes as they involve no plastic, but his wife uses pods.
Whilst the glimpse you get into the Herring household is that no one else cares about recycling all the plastic bags and soft peel off lids from food containers or packaging stuff or sweet wrappers so I go through all the bins and collect it up. You can recycle it all at supermarkets, but North Herts Council is starting a scheme to collect it with the bins. However so far only our old village is part of the scheme, not Hitchin, so I tend to take up bags full of plastic every time I go to the village and put them in the bin there. It's the only good thing about not yet having sold our old house. I have two recycling bins. All in all the convenience of that probably doesn't make up for paying two mortgages and two sets of bills, but it's something.

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