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Tuesday 4th February 2025

The general consensus seems to be that this entry for February 4th 2025 is my 8107th consecutive blog and my 21027th day on earth (outside of my mother's womb anyway - I may try and work out when conception occurred to get a more reliable figure). That's what I am going with anyway. Until I fuck it up again anyway.

Perhaps Soleros were holding me back. Usually after three gigs in four nights I'd be good for nothing, but I seem to be reasonably perky. I did get a lie-in of sorts today (though my son woke me up at 5am and then again at around 7). But I wasn't a zombie for the whole day or even particularly wiped out by night time. Maybe mainly eating plants and not processed lollies really does give you energy.
Admittedly most of the things I tried to get ticked off my to-do list ended up bouncing back at me. I tried to transfer some money between bank accounts, but the form required a signature. I duly sent my signature off, only to be informed that my signature doesn't match the signature they have on record (which I guess is probably the one from when I opened the bank account in 1982) and to try again. But as I had already sent them what I considered to be my signature and they obviously weren't going to send me a picture of my old signature, that left me at a bit of an impasse. Did I have to try and guess what my signature used to look like? Was I likely to get it right? Wouldn't I just be left in an endless spiral of trying to counterfeit my own signature and being told it wasn't the same as the one on file and thus end up with the bank keeping all my money forever? Nice plan Ian Natwest.
I went into the bank to see if I could transfer the money there, but it turned out I had to fill in a form with an example of my new signature and then, once that has been unloaded into the system in about a week, try again online. What's the point in having a fucking bank if you can't do banking there?
Anyway I made sure I took a photo of my new signature because I wasn't sure it'd be the same next week as it was today. So now I can forge it when so required.
I don't know what thief would be trying to move some money from one of my bank accounts into another of my bank accountants, but I am glad that the bank has a system in place to stop them anyway!
I also thought I'd had a message saying that my car needed servicing, so rang the garage to arrange a service. But it turned out that I was mistaken and I don't need to do that until July. But at least it was off my to do list.
I also needed to try and arrange a repeat prescription of my blood pressure medicine. I've only got two tablets left and the new GP hasn't got back to me yet. It's a very stressful situation. Which makes getting more tablets even more vital, which makes me more stressed and so on. Everything is spiralling today.
So on my way into town to go to the bank I popped into the GPs, but they were closed for staff training.
I also had to fill in a form for a man who is going to sort out a pension for us. I'm 57 and getting my first one. I am so old that I am allowed to take my money out straight away. That's not even a joke. But the form kept resetting every time I pressed the send button. I tried 5 times and then on a different browser. It was only when Catie tried to do it and hers didn't work either that I was sure that this wasn't my fault. Another attempt to get something ticked off and another failure.
I tried to book a test drive of an electric people carrier for touring, but it turned out that the showroom didn't have the car I wanted.
Things were going great.
I also recorded a Book Club episode for this week. That seemed to go well, but at the end I realised that the computer wasn't showing any of the usual wavy lines when we were speaking. Had we just wasted another 45 minutes with a very thorough dress rehearsal? Thankfully for once, technology worked. You can listen on Friday.
And I did manage to attach a new cover to my wing mirror, which is a major achievement. Last week some kind motorist had managed to knock it off, even though it's one of those retractable wing mirrors. They did also scrape his car all along the passenger side of my car, so he must have known what was happening. Of course they didn't stop or leave a note about the damage. So I am £30 down on and now have two different coloured wing mirrors (cos I didn't want to shell out another £30 to get it spray painted the right colour). But I did get the satisfaction of correctly fitting the wing mirror myself. On only the 5th attempt. It fell off a few times, but in the end I got it so it wouldn't. Until someone else crashes into it.
So look a podcast and a wing mirror fixed is a good result for another day on the planet, right?

Oh I also picked up and set up some new clickers for my gate and met with the head teacher at my kids’s school. Even with so much failure, there were so many successes. And I know how many days I've been alive. It's all good.

I've just uploaded this month's Unproduced Script for Paid subscribers (with some stuff for non-payers). This one also has the taster tape we made for Everything Happens For No Reason, which has never been shown anywhere before. If you've been thinking of paying to sub, then this is worth your five pounds this month, I think.
Makes me quite sad this one. Shame we never got to make this.

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