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Monday 30th April 2007

It was a beautiful sunny morning in Keswick today. I went for a run down to the lake, running through a field of sheep and lambs on the way. A little black lamb gamboled out of my path. "Baa Baa" I sang to him, satirising him by the use of a nursery rhyme. He didn't seem to understand.
I felt happier than I have done for a god while, even though I was exercising. Ah the rejuvenating effects of fresh air, a little sunshine and nature's bounty. I decided I was going to come back up here for a holiday when I get the chance. So after I had checked out of the hotel I headed into town with two plans in mind. Firstly I was going to return to the Pencil Museum, as last night I had had a bit of a brainwave and decided to set the second episode of Double Act in Keswick and have the characters visit the attraction - which is the kind of thing you do to pass time on tour. Also I had been trying to think of a way that the comedians would be out of mobile phone contact and of course, reception is quite dodgy up here. So my entry fee would be tax deductable - it cost £3, a rise of 50p since I was last here. You still got a free pencil though, but on reading the last entry back I realise I have lost the last pencil I got and doubtless will lose this one too. I had loads of ideas for jokes in the museum, but looking back at what I wrote the first time I visited I see I pretty much had all of them before. Still good to be back and to verify that I didn't make it all up the first time.
Then I headed into town to prematurely prepare for the next time I come up here by buying a tent and some new hiking boots. I was starting to think that maybe I could write my scripts up on the hills, away from the internet and TV or just stay in my tent all the time and work away like a sort of hermit.
It's nice to have a dream. Doubtless the tent and boots will stay in the back of my car unused, but I am going to pretend that I am now the kind of guy who travels the world, staying in my tent, communing with nature. Doubtless it is my mid-life crisis kicking in and I am trying to recapture my year off adventures where I travelled Europe with my tent on my back. Might be fun though and being in the Lake District has made me realise how much time I spend sitting in my lounge and how little time I spend breathing in fresh air laced with the scent of fresh lamb droppings.
"Are you on holiday here?" asked the tent saleswoman.
"No," I replied, "I am going to Northampton now, but I am going to come back to sample more of this."
"Yes, it's a lovely day today," she said, "If only it was like this all the time, but you just know that tomorrow we will be back to rain as usual!"
She was in danger of talking herself out of a sale. But then my tent would be waterproof - I decided not to get a tent that I could use on the side of a mountain as I felt it was unlikely I would take things that far.
Still it's exciting to have a plan.
And a tent.
I had a really enjoyable gig in Northampton tonight, back to my playful best. Perhaps the Lakes had just lifted my spirits, but it was the best show for a while - the European gigs had been a bit hard work I think and I hadn't been able to let things fly.
I drove home feeling pretty good. Worried that I had left my keys in the dressing room I reached into my coat pocket and pricked my finger on something sharp.
I was momentarily confused,
Then I realised what it was.
My free Keswick Pencil Museum pencil.

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