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Tuesday 30th April 2019


April ends and I still remain on the wagon and off the chocolate river (that sounds like something else, but I am saying I haven’t had any chocolate, though thinking about it, I haven’t been up the chocolate river either). Also heroin free for 19011 days. It’s all going well. I have lost 12.5kg which is less than half a pound away from being 2 stone. My BMI is 30.1 so I am very close to no longer being obese, but even with all this healthy living, am still technically obese. That’s dry Janpril compete. Might aim for dry Jancember. Or just not bother going back.
On the long dog walk this morning I saw something unusual by one of the styles. No, it wasn’t a bag of dogshit - that would have been predictably normal. It looked like a lump of ice. It was slightly discoloured like it had blood on it. It was lying at the edge of a field that was otherwise empty. It’s been very nice weather recently and it’s hard to believe that a lump of ice could form naturally, or that it could survive very long out in the open air. I was busy with the dog and it didn’t strike me as that odd until I was a bit further along the path and I wasn’t going to go back and check what it was. If it was some other substance then I don’t know what it could have been. And it was in a field where there was nothing going on - no livestock to feed, no crops growing, just some short grass. All I could think was that the farmer had been feeding some animal some raw meat, which he had delivered to the field covered in ice to keep it fresh and some of the ice had fallen off and landed at the edge of this land (surely there wasn’t an ice clearer working up on this hill - if so they wouldn’t have much to do) and somehow not melted.
But what kind of farm animal is fed raw meat? 
Is it possible that there is a secret Jurassic Farm up in the hills around my village.
I didn’t go back and touch it to check that it was cold and it might not have been ice, but if it was some kind of fungus it was a weird shape. Even for a fungus.
I had recently read a story about a frozen body being found in a wood in this part of Hertfordshire about 50 years ago and that being a bit of mystery as there weren’t many deep freezers back then and no one could work out how the murderer had kept his victim frozen. Could he have struck again? Was I about to find a frozen body on the path? What if the police were able to access my mind and work out that I had been considering the fact that there might be a frozen body in the woods BEFORE I discovered it. That would be weird.
There was no body though. Not that I saw. I certainly didn’t put one there if the police ask, and then came up with this blog about the ice as a sort of cover.

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