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Wednesday 4th December 2002

Bad news.
Diagnosis Murder is back on BBC1 just after lunch.
Not bad news because it's a bad programme (even though it sort of is). No. Bad news because I find it very hard to resist watching it. Which means that there is a danger of my lunch-time spreading out to 3pm, which is almost time for Countdown and before you know it, the afternoon is gone. I have always said that writing is 1 per cent inspiration and 99 per cent procrastination (though so far no-one seems to have recognised the extraordinary wit of that statement and I am still without an entry in the Oxford Book of Quotations.)
Thank God that As Time Goes By is on after it, or no writer in the country would ever get any work done. Maybe the write of As Time Goes By only wrote it in order to help all the other writers to get some work done. The writers equivalent of jumping on a hand grenade to save your companions. Thanks to that self-less writer for his sacrifice. I've just found out it's Bob Larbey. He's written some good stuff, so that pretty much proves my hypothesis.
I don't know why Diagnosis Murder is so irresistible. It's not all that different from Murder, She Wrote (aging Disney star, caught up in unbelievable amount of mysterious murders, which they eventually solve), but Jessica Fletcher holds no such sway over me. In fact that show is as irritating as As Time Goes By.
I am racking my brain to think of one reason why D M is such a hit with me. And I can't think of a single valid reason. Except that it is an excuse not to work. Oh, and I like the way Dick Van Dyke does that goofy open-mouthed smile. Also I like his son's hair-style. It is extremely odd. It looks like a wig, but who would buy a wig like that? Oh... and.... no, that's it.
Today I am starting work very late, due to a hangover and D M is on in the other room. I have resisted watching it. But I still procrastinating by writing about it. And writing about it badly. Stooping so low as to make the murder everywhere Jessica Fletcher goes joke? What next? Noting that the unknown bloke who gets beamed down on Star Trek is going to get killed?
So I am going to stop and work. Or maybe just watch the end of the show. Yes, that's a much better idea.

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