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Wednesday 15th February 2017

St Skeletor’s Day comes round again and shamefully, now I am in love, rather than a bitter, lonely husk of a man, I don’t do as much to observe it as I once did. But there are still some of the faithful out there who despise love and want to see it destroyed and let’s face it, most of them have been in love at some point, hence there antipathy to it now, so there’s no guarantee that I won’t be back celebrating it with gusto at some point in the future.
I am surprised that no one wanted to know when it would be St He-Man Day or St Cringer Day. But for once people were happy to let others celebrate the day they wanted without feeling the need to undermine them, or make it about themselves.
This annoying illness drags on. It keeps on letting me think it’s over and then slam, it’s back to torment me further with lethargy and snot. None of us have escaped its sweaty paws just yet. It’s cruel the way it lets you see the light at the end of the tunnel, only to then employ people to extend the tunnel overnight.
I had planned to crack on with the Relativity scripts today, but rest was required. So we all took it easy and hoped for a less phlegmy tomorrow.
We did use the opportunity to get to the end of “The Crown”, which I have enjoyed a lot. Partly because it is a crash course in post-war UK history (which I knew surprisingly little about), partly because it has made me fall in love with and want to marry Princess Margaret (tragically too late to do much about it and in any case I’d have to get a divorce, which apparently might be an issue), partly because it’s made me like Prince Phillip a bit more now I know that he is actually Doctor Who (and also a bit less, cos he’s still a dick) and partly because the relationships at the centre of this drama are terrific. You feel sorry for the Royals, because for all their ludicrous wealth they are not really allowed to be happy and don’t have much effective power. But it’s also an interesting snapshot of the Britain that some politicians seem to want to send us back to, just before social revolutions changed so much and a country run by old, old, white men. It’s very good. But oh, Princess Margaret. What a woman.
We managed to get out for lunch and I paid in the first big wedge of Scope donations - getting almost £800 of coins into the Natwest coin payer inner, without anything going wrong or the machine having to go off line, or pay out half my coins like an enormous fruit machine. How I managed to carry that many coins that far in my weakened state is nothing short of a miracle. What I love about my charity work is its secret nature. No one will ever know how I struggle to help with whatever it is that Scope actually do. Must remember to look into this. Hope it’s nothing evil.

The final RHLSTP of series 10 with Peter Serafinowicz is now up on video here.
And on audio here

My London run of The Best, Thursday through to Saturday, is selling very well and Saturday is very close to selling out. So book now if you want to come cockerneys! Or you can come to one of the newly added dates in June.

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