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Saturday 20th October 2018


I had a really fun night out in the village, taking part in another PTA quiz and drinking lager. We came tantalisingly close to winning too, being ahead for a fair part of the quiz and actually answering the most questions correctly. But due to a slightly random joker round, we lost by 2 points, and ended up in second place. So real life continues to mirror my TV quiz experience. 
I came up with some answers that surprised me, recognising Dan Ackroyd amongst the participants of the “We are the World” video, knowing that Mike and the Mechanics did a song with shoulder in the title (that surprised even me), that Chas and Dave’s Rabbit name-checked Sainsburys and that Carrie Fisher was married to Paul Simon. And luckily all the ones that I wasn’t sure about - I had a feeling that Catherine Howard was Henry VIII’s final wife, though my wife felt it was Parr - I went with my wife, who’d complained that I had ignored her correct answers last time. Every time I did it this time she turned out to be right - her most impressive moment was recognising the song Manic Monday from its opening lyrics, But we had a balanced team and everyone made a good contribution. And second prize was a tin of Celebrations which was better than a box of Milk Tray (and another unwon trophy). I hope I do better on House of Games. But will have to wait til broadcast to discover if I did.
We had some beer and a good laugh. I feel we have been pretty lucky with the village we’ve ended up in. The people here are friendly and fun and this was a good-spirited, if hotly contested quiz, where no one took it too seriously.
I think for the second quiz running I failed to identify the singer of “She’s Got Betty Davis Eyes” which to be fair is a tricky one. Do you know? If so, you can be on our team next time. As long as you come and live here. Might rent a spare room to CJ from Eggheads. I like to live dangerously.

Don’t think I mentioned that a bonus RHLSTP with Toby Hadoke went up this week.

Another guest announced for this series of RHLSTP. Joining Sherlock’s Amanda Abbington on 29th October will be broadcaster, author and journalist James O’Brien.  Two people left my mailing list (and told me) as a result of me booking him and using the title Brex(sh)it in my latest newsletter (even though the last two political guests I have had on are remainers who now back Brexit). Also whatever side you’re on, if you don’t Brexit is going a bit shit then you’re not really paying attention.
And view my controversial newsletter here

One said "I thought you were supposed to be a comedian.  I don't live in London and I'm not interested in you pro-EU views.   Unsubscribed. “

The other said 'Hi,
Sorry to say, I've unsubscribed from your emails.
The latest email, titled 'Brexshit' and advertising the intolerant liberal, James O'Brien, has, I'm afraid, completely turned me off your communications.
The bigoted dismissal of 17.4 million voters, without a real understanding or appreciation of why they voted Leave is just more of same ignorant echo-chamber that those on the left occupy.
Good luck in the future, but I will not be seeing you perform again.”

Hard to believe that either of these people really followed me or have ever seen me live . Or have been following my Twitter feed which is almost exclusively about the importance of having a #nodeal #hardbrexit. But I don’t think calling Brexit Brexshit and booking a guest for  podcast is really dismissing 17.4 million voters (though that statement does seem happy to dismiss 16.1million voters, which is an odd dichotomy).

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