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Friday 21st December 2018


It was 18,888-Days-Alive Eve and all through the house, not a creature was stirring. And so on.
Hey, it’s only 133 days until entry 6000 as well. What a time to be alive.

Slight relapse with illness/exhaustion and I got zero work done, but I talked to my producer who said that the Christmas deadline was really only to prevent the writers having the work hanging over them over the Festive period and that no one would be reading the script til the 3rd of January. And so that’s my new deadline. And I can do all the work on the 2nd of January- Hooray. Or I could just try and write a scene a day and make it easy on myself. I will NEVER do that.
I did manage to put together a quick end of year video to show you the kind of things that you can win if you are lucky enough to win the Badger/Dripster draw.
Every month I give away a box of prizes to a lucky monthly badger or Dripster. If you want to see some of what’s going into the end of year box then check this out 
To be in a chance to win pay a pound or more a month here or become a Dripster.
All the money goes towards funding podcasts and online content and you get other benefits too!
All the money goes towards funding podcasts and online content and you get other benefits too!
One of the prizes is my House of Games fondue set, which would cause some controversy when Richard Osman got to hear about it. He said I’d waited so long to win something and then this is what I did, but to be honest the title of winner is all that mattered to me and gaudy baubles in which you can melt cheese hold no interest to me. Also the fondue set doesn’t even have the House of Games logo on it, so it’s just a fondue set. I have the tool box in the garage full of tools that I will never use, and due to some postal mix up my hip flask and Richard Osman doll never turned up at my house. But I do have my trophy and my memories, so I think it’s OK to let one of you eat melted cheese courtesy of Osman. I would never sell any of these items obviously, but I think it’s OK to gift them.
My other major TV trophy, my Gamesmaster Golden Joystick ended up being thrown away (I always say in a skip, but I can’t remember if that is true or not). I have no idea why I threw it away. I have been a hoarder of stuff my whole life and hung on to all sorts of rubbish in the hope it would be of some value in the future, if only sentimental. I did get rid of a load of Lee and Herring stuff via eBay a few years ago, but that was to raise money for podcasts and to try and erase a decade of horrible memories. I think a Gamesmaster Golden joystick might have earned enough to pay for a whole episode of RHLSTP. But there we go. It was just a painted joystick in a perspex case. I think. Shit, maybe it was made of real gold. 
That was a strange day though, filming that show. We didn’t do too many things like that and I expect we were both embarrassed and thrilled to be on the show. My main memory is that the studio had loads of props from Blur’s Country House video stored in it. Also there were some pretty women dressed as angels, who I was too nervous to talk to. And Dominick Diamond was there too. Or was he the bloke from Saved By The Bell. We didn’t meet Patrick Moore and I don’t know if he was there or not, though I do recall Stew questioning how Moore was fit to judge our contest, as it was based on us editing a short film from primitive software and not on who was best at shooting things. Stew had a point, but as Patrick Moore (or someone deciding on his behalf) chose me to win I didn’t make too much of a fuss.
I hope I get invited back on Gamesmaster soon.

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