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Saturday 22nd December 2018
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Saturday 22nd December 2018


At last it’s here. 18,888 days old. 
It’s a bit of an anti-climax to be honest. Maybe 88,888 days old will be more exciting. Only another 191 and a bit years to go.

Out on the dog walk/stone clear this lunchtime. I approached the main cairn and saw a stone that was not one of mine on the pile. I remember each stone I rescue as if it were my own child (and in a way they all are), but this was particularly easy to spot as it was a different kind of stone to the others and also it has some stuff painted on it. Which to be fair none of the others have. It said “Merry Christmas”. I knew that this was a message from one of the terrified villagers who doesn’t understand where the stones are coming from, to appease the stone elves, lest they turn their stones against the people. But even though no one knows it is me who is doing this, it was still nice to get this greeting in the medium that I best understand: stone. And whilst usually I would be in a fury at anyone bringing a stone from another location to add to a cairn, I let it go.
I wonder how big my wall will be by this time next year. I am going to take Dominick Diamond to look at it after I’ve been on Gamesmaster. Unless he’s the one from Saved By The Bell. 

We were going to a Christmas party next door tonight. I wish all parties could be that close. I didn’t even have to put on my coat and for once I wasn’t driving (though it would have been fun to insist on doing so) so I could have a drink or three. I had three drinks.
We came here last year when we were very new to the village and hardly knew anyone. But now a year on… well to be fair I hardly know anyone still, because I hate humanity and my only interest now is in stones.. but we have at least settled in and have got this far into the winter without our boiler breaking down or trying to kill us. 
And I met Rachel, who was the lady who I’d had the Twitter exchange about the anus a couple of months ago. It’s nice to put a face to a conversation about anal sex. Usually you should have seen someone’s face before you get that far. It's only polite.

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