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Thursday 4th April 2019


I wish I’d divorced Jeff Bezos.
Brexit continues to be a literal shit-show that feels like it is being written by the worst satirical comedians and newspaper cartoonists in the world. Today a sewer pipe broke, allegedly spewing excrement into the Houses of Parliament. All right guys! Dial down the heavy-handed symbolism. Make it a little bit believable.

And it’s not just our politicians who are stupid, whichever way you look at it, at least half of us are too. YouGov did a poll where they asked

"Britain leaving the European Union without any deal would be... A good outcome: 25% An acceptable compromise: 13% A bad outcome: 50%"

13% say an acceptable compromise? How is leaving without a deal a compromise in any way? It’s not meeting somewhere in the middle, but going to the extreme end of one of the options. I don’t think people who don’t understand the word compromise should be allowed to vote. I mean they’re worse than the quarter of the population who are confident that just leaving will be “good” and the 12% who have no fucking clue (or are they actually the only sensible ones?). 
The long and the short is, we have fucked ourselves thanks to our own stupidity.
This whole thing just makes me feel physically sick every time I think about it. The country is crumbling and a sewer is about to open up over all of us. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. it’s even more wonderful when you have it before the thing happens but know you’re 100% correct.

My wife allowed me a welcome lie-in (til 7.30am) after my tiring day of travelling and podcasting, but I will have to do the same for her as she headed into London this evening to record two more episodes of the excellent Drunk Women Solving Crime. I took the opportunity to record another snooker podcast when the kids were asleep, so assuming that I do a stone clearing podcast in the morning, between us we will have produced 8 podcasts this working week (and for all I know the kids might have done a few when we weren’t looking). We should just cut out the middle man and record everything. Catie and Richard’s Tired Arguments Podcast would be excellent (CARTAP) and to be honest it would be useful to have independent ombudspersons who could decide who was right and wrong in each debate (it is aways me who is right, though me saying this just seems to lead to more arguments).
I also noticed that Catie was wearing a familiar jumper as she left the house - my podcast jumper - an actual crime was taking place. What if my podcast power comes from that jumper? Stupidly when I got married almost exactly 7 years ago I promised to forsake all others (what?) and share all jumpers, so in a court of law she would get away scot free. 
Anyway the joke is on her cos I got to do a snooker podcast. And here it is.
For some amazing snooker, stone-clearing and RHLSTP swag (as well as guaranteed extra episodes of all these shows) check out our amazing brand new kickstarter.

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