Stone Clearing Chapter 18 was recorded this morning and I couldn’t avoid the other dog walkers this time - one tiny edit where they mention the place that we live - but a fun one where I discover how a brand new and super efficient stone-removing tool that is already dividing the stone-clearing community, but which should cut the clearing time from millennia down to mere centuries. Listen here -
When my daughter got home from nursery she wanted to draw a picture of the Easter Bunny. I googled the Easter Bunny and she chose an already quite sinister picture to attempt to copy. I thought I did a pretty good job, but she is already sophisticated enough to understand that my artistic skills are severely limited and laughed at mine for being silly. Which was a bit rich when you saw the dogshit picture she had drawn.
Though to be fair she had done something artistically extraordinary with it, deciding only to draw the Bunny’s face and (she claimed) making a deliberate attempt to make him look evil. She even had a back story worked out for the hideous Donny Darko she had created, saying that the evil Easter Bunny came to children’s houses and left eggs, but although they looked like chocolate they were just toy ones. To be honest this has the makings of a pretty good kids’ story, in the German tradition of terrifying demonic figures who dole out terrible punishments. If the eggs were made out of mud or poo instead of toy ones and if the Evil Easter Bunny ate all the chocolate eggs that had been left by the good, but twee Easter Bunnies then I think we’re almost there. Might have a crack at this one, but will have to share royalties with my daughter.
We made the picture into a mask and Phoebe enjoyed pretending to be her diabolical creation. She is either going to make the world laugh or destroy it.
I was back on the telly tonight where I belong. Just Channel 5 for now, but it’s a start. I was on Celebrity Games Night which I remember very little about as I was pretty drunk.
I did write about it at
the time of recording and it’s interesting that I say Van Outen banged her head into my elbow rather than the other way round. Alas I was too tired to stay up to watch, so I guess we will never find out the truth. Proves I am funnier when pissed perhaps.
We’re doing
another Kickstarter to pay for the 25 RHLSTPs we’ve already filmed this year. There’s some cool rewards for fans of RHLSTP and my other podcasts and we’ve got a top designer working on the T shirts. If it succeeds then I will also guarantee at least another 25 podcasts for both Me1 vs Me2 snooker and Stone Clearing in 2019.
If you’ve been enjoying the podcasts but haven’t ever donated (and you havre a spare couple of quid) please consider becoming a backer.