It’s lovely when the family can do something together and all four of us got tattoos this morning. We went for a Little Red Riding Hood theme - my daughter and the grandmother, my wife the wolf, my son Little Red Riding Hood and I was had the woodsman. Admittedly the tattoos were just transfers (for now), but they looked pretty realistic and we all felt pretty cool. I don’t really know why everyone who wants a tattoo doesn’t go for the transfer option. It means you can have a different tattoo every week and never have to pay for tattoo removal. Also it hardly hurts at all. I wonder if I can take this idea to Dragon's Den. I think it could be a hit.
It’s pretty much all parenting and chores at the moment, though maybe I’ll get back to some non-podcast work soon. My brother-in-law and I picked up my daughter from nursery today and she was in high spirits. My brother-in-law noticed that everyone who passed said hello to Phoebe by name. “How come everyone knows you?” he asked.
“Because I’m funny!” replied Phoebe.
I couldn’t be more proud. Though that kind of renown isn’t always a positive.
We passed a middle-aged lady getting into her sports car. She was stylish and fashionable. Phoebe said to her “Hello old lady.”
Luckily the woman laughed and said “Hello young girl.” But this is where being funny can land you in trouble. I wondered what other half truths and observations my child would make on the short walk home, making more enemies for us.
In the adult world (a tired place where little happens) we watched John Wick tonight. It was a franchise that I wasn’t aware of until quite recently when someone recommended it to me as a fan of Die Hard. But I don’t think it’s really in the same vein. It’s more like a Liam Neeson film that’s been turned into a shoot em up (a lot) video game, with a little bit more wit, but only a little bit. There’s only so many people being shot in the head that I want to watch, though the film did raise some philosophical questions. How many people are you justified in killing to avenge a person who has stolen your car and killed your dog? And does there come a point where you have to get the thing in perspective and maybe not try to kill everyone? John Wick could easily have incapacitated most of the gunmen out to get him, but he seemed to be very determined to ensure they were dead by shooting them at close range in the head. Sure the dog was a gift from your dead wife (though I’d like to see the film where she makes the purchase of this dog and arranges its delivery - did she just have someone send a text to the dog selling company upon her demise and allow them to select a puppy based on certain prerequisites or did she work out when she was going to become incapacitated by her illness and go into the shop and select a new born puppy that she figured would be about the right size (and toilet trained) on her death. Kudos to the film makers though for actually allowing the dog to be killed, as nearly all films will save an animal even if wreaking awful pain on human beings throughout.
Morally speaking is John Wick in the right to mow through humans as if they were grass to get to the people who have wronged him. Or would he have been better off just waiting for the very stupid man who wronged him to be out in the open and on his own and then maybe give him a Chinese burn or something. Or cut off his cock - the actor involved is used to that.
Anyway it was OK, but I think there’s a better film that doesn’t feature John Wick at all, but just the people dealing with the aftermath of what he’s done. That should be the sequel to the first film which is just about the puppy arrangements.