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Thursday 23rd January 2020


Started the day with a game of balloon catch with my daughter, which transformed into a game of balloon football where one goal was her bed and the other was her bedroom door. Phoebe quickly got two goals ahead, but then we switched ends and I had the frankly much easier task of hitting the bed, which I did immediately.
"2-1", I said.
“No,” said Phoebe and then made an ad-libbed, somewhat sprawling and illogical argument that any goal scored on the bed counted for her so that it was 3-0. “Do your goals on the door count for me then?” I asked.
But they didn’t.
Even though I was unaware of this rule in balloon football I went along with her score, but asked, “How does it feel to win by cheating?”
Without missing a beat, Phoebe purred, “Nice.”
And she meant it. She will go far. Prime Minister I reckon.

Into London for the fourth day in a row and getting increasingly relieved that I don’t have to do this journey every day. Even though I don’t set off til the latter part of rush hour, it is a real Hell and I must have done something to please God to avoid this usually. I set off earlier than usual today, but the journey took me longer. At least I get to listen to podcasts and audiobooks on the way and at least the electric car means I am not destroying the planet as quickly as everyone else. We’ve had a couple of long recording days as we aim to get all six eps done in five days, but it’s the drive that is exhausting me.
I haven’t done too much acting til today as actor availability meant we had to do lots of scenes that I am not in first, but I am in nearly everything from here on in. Mostly I am acting alongside the utterly delightful Emily Berrington, who is not only excellent at the job but happy and giggly too and that helps me push down my feelings of inadequacy and enjoy the work. We have a lot more arguing to do this time round which is both cathartic and deeply disturbing, but I think we’re both enjoying it.
I genuinely can’t believe that it’s going so well. I knew the actors would be ace, but somehow the scripts are actually good.  And I am my own harshest critic. Few bumps to hammer out where things don’t quite make sense or I repeat the same thought. But one more day and we’re done and everyone seems keen to do more. Oh God - we’re not going to have to go through all this again?

Oh and there's a wonderful surprise coming up in the next stone-clearing podcast. Won't be recording it til Monday at the earliest, but there's something unbelievable in it. Make sure you're caught up with all 52 chapters (and fummertime fpecial) or it won't make sense.

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